Friday, 12 June 2020

Ambient 2000

Download Music Private Server

Genre: Ambient
Size: 2030 GB (1990-2019)

Afflux-Aizier - St. Martin-Sur-Mer - Dieppe-2000-D2H
Afterlife - Simplicity Two Thousand-2CD-2000-chip
Ah Cama-Sotz-The House Of The Lordh-(Limited Edition Vinyl)-2000-BLIZZARD
Air - The Virgin Suicides-(HQ)-(VJCP-68193CD)-2000-ZAiK iNT
Alex Tronic - PEYOTE26-VLS-2000-gEm
Alien Soap Opera - Second Wave-2000-gEm
Alio Die and Nick Parkin-Aquam Metallicam-2000-SEVER
All India Radio-The Inevitable-WEB-2000-ENTiTLED
Allerseelen - Neuschwavenland-2000-SYN INT
Alpha Wave Movement - Drifted Into Deeper Lands-2000-gEm
Alpha Wave Movement and Jim Cole - Bislama-2000-BCC
Alva Noto - Prototypes (CD2000)-MGC
Amaruvision - Light Energy Performance-2000-gEm INT
Amethystium - Autumn Interlude-CDM-2000-NCR iNT
Amon and Never Known - Live at Molto 08.04.-.Afe Records.-2000-BCC
Anahata - Doors To Avalon-2000-PTP
Angel Tears - Angel Tears Vol.2-2000-UPE INT
Angel Tears - Angel Tears Vol 2-2000-PTP
Animal Surgeon-Schizophrenic Ambient Scapes-200X-CMG
Anugama - Shamanic Dream-(OSM005)-2000-NCR
Anugama - Shamanic Dream II-(OSM-112-2)-2000-NCR
Anugama - Shamanic Dream Vol 1-(Part 005)-2000-NCR INT
Apoptose-Nordland-2000-D2H INT
Arbre Noir-Beyond-2000-ASRC INT
Asura - Code Eternity-(HQ)-(INRCD001)-2000-ZAiK iNT
Asura - Code Eternity-2000-gEm
Aube-Millennium-Februarius-Limited Edition-2000-D2H
Aube-Millennium-Ianuarius-Limited Edition-2000-D2H
Aube-Millennium-Maius-Limited Edition-2000-D2H
Augur-Like Little Machines-2000-AMOK
Axel Tronics--Mind Matters-(PEY26)-VLS-2000-RAMPLjUS
B. Ashra And Ricky Deadking - Live At U-Site-Fusion-2000-gEm INT
B Ashra and Ricky Deadking-Live at U-Site-Fusion-(BTM111)-CD-FLAC-2000-CUSTODES
Bad Sector and Shee Retina Stimulants - Neurotransmitter Actions-.Solipsism.-2000-BCC
Bad Sector-Damages Report-EP-2000-nok INT
Banco de Gaia - Magical Sound of Banco de Gaia-(eMission)
Biosphere - Cirque-(TO46)-Digipak-2000-NCR
Biosphere HIA--Birmingham Frequencies-2000-bong
Biosphere and Higher Intelligence Agency - Birmingham Frequencies-(HQ)-(H002CD)-2000-ZAiK iNT
Biosphere And Higher Intelligence Agency-Birmingham Frequencies-2000-D2H
Biosphere And Higher Intelligence Agency-Birmingham Frequencies-2000-D2H INT
Biosphere-Cirque (2016 Reissue Version)-BONUS TRACKS-WEB-2000-MOHAWK
Biosphere-Cirque-2000-D2H INT
Bluey - Ocean Unknown-2000-UPE
boards of canada-in a beautiful place out in the country ep-2000-iro
Bohren And Der Club Of Gore-Sunset Mission-2000-DeBT iNT
Brannan Lane-Lost Caverns Of Thera-2000-AMOK
Centrozoon - Blast-2000-BCC
Chaos as Shelter - Devils Brothers-2000-BCC
Chris Spheeris-Dancing With The Muse-Advance-CD-FLAC-2000-FORSAKEN
Christian Hoy Knudsen - Hav-2000-MYCEL
Coil Presents Time Machines (Rare Live Bonus CD)-2000-AMOK
Coil-Astral Disaster-CD-FLAC-2000-flacme
Coil-Musick To Play In The Dark 2-2000-V0
Coph Nia-That Which Remains-2000-AMOK
Cosmic Hoffmann-Shiva Connection-.HaM.-2000-AMOK
Curd Duca--Elevator 3 (MP 084)-CD-2000-CMC
David Parsons - Parikrama-2CD-2000-BCC
David Shea And Scanner-Free Chocolate Love-2000-D2H INT
Dead Voices On Air-Frankie Pett Presents-The Happy Submarines-2000-FWYH
Dean Evenson and Li Xiangting-Tao Of Healing-WEB-2000-I KnoW INT
Deep Dive Corporation - Support Your Local Groover-2000-PTP
Deep-Dive-Corp. - Support Your Local Groover-2000-gEm INT
Discoteque Groenland and Discoteque Sibiria-Split-K7-200x-radial
DLS - AnNur AlHaqq-2000-gEm INT
Dreams In Exile-Since Long Before-CD-FLAC-2000-AMOK
Dronaement-Wassermond-Ltd.Ed. VLS-2000-radial
Dub Trees - Nature Never Did Betray The Heart That Loved Her-2000-gEm INT
Dub Trees-Nature Never Did Betray The Heart That Loved Her-(BFLCD42)-CD-FLAC-2000-dL
dubtribe sound system--archive volume 2 ambient 1994-cd2000-kw
Einsturzende Neubauten-Silence is Sexy-2CD-2000-SNOOK
Ekkehard Ehlers--Betrieb (MP 085)-CD-2000-CMC
Eric Cordier and Jean-Luc Guionnet-Tore-2000-SEVER
Exuviae - Echoes in the Emptiness-(GHM.00.01)-2000-BCC
Facies Deformis - Hypnotic Transmission-.Membrum Debile Propaganda.-2000-BCC
Fluxion - Bipolar Defect (CR-32)-LP-2000-TR
Francisco And Nacho Sotomayor - Dies Irae-CD-2000-MPX
Francisco lopez and amy denio--belle confusion 00-(as002)-CD2000-kW
Gaines Gandharba-Nepal-2000-PULSE
Galaxy - Solar Synthesis-2000-PsyCZiNT
Gas-Pop-2000-DPS INT
Giles Warren-Sense And Zensuality-2000-D2H
gimmik - slow motion process-2000-s1k
Gustavo Lamas - Manana (KOM027)-EP-2000-TR
Hank and Slim-The World Turned Gingham-2000-SEVER
Harvey Summers - Ayurveda The Mother Of All Healing Arts-2000-NCR
Hazard-Wood (with Field and Bridge)-CD.LP-Ltd.Ed.-2000-DPS
Healer - WonderGround-2000-PsyCZiNT
Herbst9-From a Dark Chasm Below-2000-AMOK
Higher Intelligence Agency and Biosphere-Birmingham Frequencies-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
I-cube--adore (proper rip)-2000-kW
Inade-Quartered Void-2000-radial
Jean Michel Jarre - Metamorphoses-2000-OiGnp
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene-2000-iDC
Jeff Mills - Every Dog Has its Day-LP-2000-TR
JFC - Chrome De Lux-(E1001110CD)-2000-NCR INT
Jim Cole and Spectral Voices-Sky (Harmonic Singing in a Water Tower)-2000-DPS
Joakim lone octet--tiger sushi remixed-2000-kW
John Duncan and Francisco Lopez-NAV-2CD-Ltd.Ed.-2000-DPS
Jonn Serrie-And The Stars Go With You-Reissue-2000-D2H
Kammarheit-Shockwork-WEB-2000-USR INT
Kent Sparling - Under New Manna-2000-UPE
Kent Sparling-Under New Manna-(00CM-509)-CD-FLAC-2000-dL
Koji Marutani - Pataphysics-(Alluvial)-2000-BCC
Kokin Gumi - Zen Garden-2000-MYCEL
L.S.G. - Into The Deep (HOOJ CD 08)-2CD-2000-NCR
Leitmotiv-Suspended Moment-2000-D2H
Les Joyaux De La Princesse-La Voix Des Notres-8inch flexi-2000-AMOK
Levantis - Cafe Orient-2000-PsyCZnP
Luciano-Lucie Tom and Clementine-(MG017)-Vinyl-2000-MiM
Lustmord-Paradise Disowned-Reissue-2000-BERC
Lustmord-Purifying Fire-2000-CMG
Lustmord-Purifying Fire-2000-D2H INT
Lustmord-The Monstrous Soul-Remastered-2000-D2H
Mark moon--contrasts-CD2000-kW
Markus Guentner - Regensburg (KOM024)-2000-TR
Mathias Grassow--Ambient Signum-CDR-2000-1way
mathias grassow-forgotten memories-the dat-retros-6cdr-2000-d2h
Matrix-Various Films-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
Megaptera-Electronic Underground-CD-2000-radial
Modern Quartet - Stereophonique-(Promo)-2000-PsyCZ NP
Monolake - Ice Stratosphere (ML005)-VLS-2000-TR
Monolake-Ice Stratosphere (ML005)-VLS-2000-TR
Mortal Loom - Alchemy Through Dreams-(CD DGATE-1256)-2000-PsyCZ
Musica De Ses Salinas - The Ibizarre Ambient Collection-2CD-2000-MYCEL
Ole Lukkoye-Relax In Your Dream Live 1994-1998-2000-D2H
Omar Faruk Tekbilek - Dance into Eternity Selected Pieces 1987-1998-(13190)-2000-NCR
Padmasana-A Universal Consciousness CDS-2000-MS
Patchwork - Diorama-(SZRCD071)-2000-ZAiK iNT
Paysage Dhiver-Kerker-Ltd.Ed.-Demo-DE-2000-AMRC
Penitent - Reflections of Past Memories-2000-XXI INT
Pete Namlook And David Moufang - The Audiolounge-2000-gEm
Pete Namlook and Spyra-Virtual Vices II-2000-BCC
Pete Namlook and Tetsu Inoue-Shades Of Orion-Reissue-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
Pete Namlook-4Voice III-WEB-2000-D2H
Piorun-Greja Wici Wojenne-EP-2000-FFF
Reutoff--ReuTRauM IV (DR-46)-Ltd.Ed. VLS-2000-DPS
Robert Rich-Sunyata-2000-DeBT iNT
Samurai Power - Ambient Music Remixed with Native Sounds-2000-PsyCZnP
Scorn-Greetings From Birmingham-2000-AMOK
Scorn-Imaginaria Award-CDM-2000-AMOK
Solar Quest - Orgisms-(2CD)-2000-MDN
Solar Quest-Orgisms-2CD-2000-MS
Solaroid - First Wave-2000-gEm
Stanica-Stal Przekuta Na Nowo-Demo-Tape-2000-SEVER
Steve Roach - Midnight Moon-2000-D2H INT
Steve Roach and Byron Metcalf-The Serpents Lair-WEB-2000-I KnoW INT
Steve Roach-Midnight Moon-2000-D2H INT
Susumu Yokota-Sakura-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
Syn-Drome (and Mechanical Nightingale)-Destination Trance-TAPE-(Elven Witchcraft Projection)-2000-DPS
Syzmix - A New Begining (Unreleased)-200X-KMx
Tangerine Dream - The Seven Letters From Tibet-(TDICD029)-2000-NCR
Tetsu Inoue - Audio-2000-PsyCZ NP
Tetsu Inoue Charles Uzzel-Edwards Daimon Beail-Audio-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
Tetsu Inoue-Ambiant Otaku-Reissue-CD-FLAC-2000-BCC
The Hafler Trio-Hljodmynd-2000-D2H
Tosca - Suzuki in Dub-2000-NCR
Ultraphonist-Discover The Antistress With-Limited Edition-2000-D2H
Ulver-Perdition City-2000-DeBT iNT
Unexplained Transmissions--Unexplained Transmissions (OCH016LCD)-2000-dL
Unknown-Equinox-Limited Edition-CDR-2000-D2H
Uziallo Kazimierz-Dwieki Natury - Las-WEB-2000-I KnoW INT
VA - Ambi-Ant Beatz - A Chill-Out Journey-2CD-2000-eGs
VA - Ambient Diary Three-2CD-2000-NCR
VA - Ambient Diary-Three-2CD-2000-zEn
VA - Ambient Systems 4-2000-NCR
VA - Ambient Systems-Interior Horizons-2000
VA - Aurora-Limited Edition-(MERCK 004)-2000-NCR
VA - Cafe Del Mar - 20th Anniversary (20-2000-20)-2CD-2000-JA
VA - Chill Out Vol. 5 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-2000-gEm INT
VA - Chill Out Vol. 6 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-2000-gEm INT
VA - Chill Out Vol 5 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-2000-NCR iNT
VA - Chilled Ibiza-2CD-2000-NCR
VA - Chillout 2000 Vol3-Early Dawn-3CD-2000-MS
VA - Global Psychedelic Chill Out Vol. 1-2CD-2000-gEm INT
VA - Global Psychedelic Chill Out Vol 1-2CD-2000-NCR iNT
VA - Heaven and Hell EP-(Vinyl)-2000-UPE
Va - Hommega-Life Is-Promo-2000-MS
VA - Interior Horizons-2000-UPE INT
VA - Meditation Sampler-2000-fLp
VA - Psychedelic Chillout Vol 1-2CD-2000-gEm
VA - Slumberland Vol 2-Awake And Dreaming-(99106-2)-2000-NCR INT
VA - Spaceship Of The Imagination-2000-eMi
VA - Spaceships Of The Imagination-PROPER-2000-NCR
VA - The Ambient Outback-2000-PsyCZnP
VA-Ambient Asia-(TMI158)-CD-FLAC-2000-dL
VA--Cafe Del Mar Volume 7-2000-SW
VA-Deep Orient Vol.2 (Musiques De Nuit)-2000-DGN
Various Artist-Naturklaenge Vol. 3-CD-2000-VOLDiES
VA-Solaris-collaboration-Ltd 535 copies-CD-2000-CMG
VA-Sonidos En Agua-(8573825052)-2CD-FLAC-2000-dL
Vir Unis - Aeonian Glow-(Green House)-2000-BCC
William Orbit-Pieces In A Modern Style-2000-EGO
William Orbit-Pieces In A Modern Style-CD-FLAC-2000-dL
XIS - Ambient Trip-2000-zEn
zer0 0ne - prot0type 2-2000-ms
Zero One - Prototype2-(99105-2)-2000-NCR

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