Friday, 12 June 2020

Ambient 199x

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Genre: Ambient
Size: 2030 GB (1990-2019)

12 Moons - Beyond Infinity-1999-Angel
7. - Seven-CDA-1995-DFTU
777--Sirenes (ASW 6138-6)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
7-Seven-(CD AE 03)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
A. Hughes - Whales of the Pacific-1996-EviL
A Forest Called MULU - A Search For The Unexplored-1998-PTP
A Grumh-Rebearth-Vinyl-1985-FWYH
A Positive Life - Synaesthetic-(85104-2)-1995-NCR
A Produce - Reflect Like A Mirror Respond Like an Echo-(VBR)-1997-PsyCZiNT
A Produce - Reflect Like A Mirror Respond Like an Echo-1997-PsyCZ NP
A Produce and M Griffin - Altara-1999-BCC
A Reminiscent Drive-Embrace EP-CDM-1996-FSP
A Reminiscent Drive-Flame One EP-CDM-1996-FSP
A Small Good Thing-Slim Westerns-(SOL23CD)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
A Trip Outside - A Trip Outside-1993-PsyCZ
A Trip Outside-A Trip Outside-(TAT014)-CD-FLAC-1993-dL
Aakon Keetreh - Dans la Foret-Demo-1997-FFF
Abraxas-Nature Coils- Pylon Recordings -Vinyl-1995-DPS
Adham Shaikh - Journey To The Sun-(HQ)-(IAE006CD)-1995-ZAiK iNT
Aeoliah-Inner Sanctum-(OR2849)-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1989-dL
Aerial Service Area - Aerial Service Area 2-G Space Weight-(Ltd.Ed)-1995-NCR
Aidan Newborne - Reflections Of Nature Dream Flutes-(RNCD9003)-1997-NCR
Air - Les Inrockuptibles-Promo CDS-1998-JUST INT
Air - Premieres Symptomes-1999-gEm INT
Air--Air 4 (PK 08-53)-VINYL-1993-CMC
Akasha - Mystic Moods-(30738 9)-1995-NCR
Akasha - Transparency-(KYT 801 CD)-1998-NCR
Akasha-Mystic Moods-(307389)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Alan Lamb-Original Masters - Night Passage-1998-D2H INT
Alaura - Sacred Dreams-(SR9575)-1995-NCR
Alaura-Sacred Dreams-WEB-1995-CBR
Alcove - Universal Implication-(VISCD1005)-1994-NCR
Alcove--Universal Implication (BAR 6208)-1995-dL
Alexey Obraztsoff-Pictures-1997-AMOK
Alien Mutation - Brain Vortex EP-(ASA1203-Vinyl)-1994-DRUM
Alien Mutation Vs Indigo Egg - Microcosm Macrocosm-1996-PsyCZ
Alio Die-Le Stanze Della Trascendenza-1999-SEVER
Alio Die-Sit Tibi Terra Levis - Introspective-1991-FWYH
Alio Die--The Way of Fire (DR-33)-Ltd.Ed. VLS-1998-DPS
Alpha Wave Movement - Concept of Motion-1998-BCC
Alpha Wave Movement - The Edge of Infinity-1997-BCC
Alpha Wave Movement - Transcendence-1996-BCC
Alvin Lucier-Music On A Long Thin Wire-Reissue-1992-D2H
ALX - Lying At The Bass Of The Spine-1996-MYCEL
Ambient Disciples-Work Out Ambient-1998-ERP
Ambient Temple of Imagination - Y2KAOS-2CD-1999-PsyCZ
Ambient Temple Of Imagination-Planetary House Nation-1997-MS
Ambisonic - Mobilized-(CDM)-1996-PsyCZnP
Amir Baghiri-Autumn-1998-AMRC
Amon Tobin - Creatures (NINJA 1249)-EP-1997-iDC
Amorphous Androgynous - Liquid Insects-(CAROL6102-Vinyl)-1993-DRUM
Amorphous Androgynous - Tales Of Ephidrina-(ASW 6101-2)-1993-NCR
An MLO Production-Io-(RSNCD16)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Anastasi Mavrides-The Pachelbel Canon with Ocean Sounds-1990-aAF
Andreas Maria Brunnmeier-Silence Animations and Inspirations-CD-1991-D2H
Angel Tears - Angel Tears And Olida-CDM-1998-MYCEL
Angel Tears - Angel Tears And Tout Le Monde-CDM-1998-MYCEL
Angel Tears - Angel Tears Vol.1-1998-UPE INT
Angel Tears - Angel Tears Vol 1-1998-PHS
Angel Tears-Angel Tears Vol.1-1998-MS
angela jaeger and david cunningham--artificial homeland-(piano 509)-CD1999-kW
Ankh-Ankh-.ART DIRECTE.-Ltd.Ed. CD-1993-radial
Anthony Manning-Chromium Nebulae-(56 Ird Aev 3)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Anthony Manning-Islets In Pink Polypropylene-(54 Ird Aev 2)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Antidote - What Mountain-1998-PsyCZ
Antonio Testa and Alio Die-Healing Herbs Spirit-1999-SEVER
Anugama - Silent Joy-(NGH-CD-303)-1989-NCR
aphex twin - i care because you do-1995-skpowah
Aphex Twin - Ventolin EP-1995-CMG
Aphex Twin-On (CDM)-1993-iRO
Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works 85-92-(AMB3922RM)-Remastered-2
Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2-2CD-1994-iRO
Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works Vol 2-2CD-1994-FiH iNT
Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works Vol 2-2CD-FLAC-1994-BCC
Aphex Twin-Selected Ambient Works Volume 2-Bonus Track-1994-DPS
Arcana - Cantar De Procella-(CMI.55)-1997-NCR
Arcana-Cantar De Procella-1997-dgs
Arcana-Dark Age Of Reason-1999-aMb
Arcane-Gather Darkness-(NH010)-1999-BFHMP3
Architect-The Galactic Supermarket-1998-AMOK INT
Archon Satani - Mind Of Flesh And Bones-1993-amok
Arecibo-Trans Plutonian Transmissions-(AT002)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Arecibo-Trans Plutonian Transmissions-1994-D2H INT
Arnd Stein-Traeume-CD-1996-VOLDiES
Arno-AquaPhonia-.Innovative Communication.-1995-SEVER
Art Forland-Inner Circles-1992-D2H
Ashera - Ambient Selections-2CD-(CDAW-1111-9)-1997-NCR
Ashera - Cobalt 144-(CDAW-1212-9)-1999-NCR
Asmus Tietchens and Vidna Obmana-Untitled (Syrenia 2)-1992-DPS
Asmus Tietchens-Seuchengebiete 2-CD-1992-PULSE
Astral Dance-Dreamscape-(LS-92002-CD)-CD-FLAC-1992-dL
Astral Dance--Dreamscape (LS-92002-CD)-CD-1992-dL
Astralasia - Astralogy-1995-hydra
Astralasia - Hashishin-CDM-1994-PsyCZ
Astralasia - Pitched Up at the Edge of Reality-(EYECDLP04)-1993-Angel
Astralasia - Pitched Up at the Edge of Reality-(EYELP04)-Ltd.Ed.-Vinyl-1993-Angel
Astralasia - Realise Your Purpose-CDM-1994-PsyCZ
Astralasia - The Politics of Ecstasy-(EYECDLP02)-1992-Angel INT
Astralasia - The Politics Of Ecstasy (EYECD2)-CD-1992-RAMPLjUS
Astralasia - Unveria Zekt-1993-gEm
Astralasia - Whatever Happened to Utopia-(EYECDLP05)-1994-Angel INT
Astralasia and Suns of Arqa - Sul-E-Stomp-CDM-1994-PsyCZ
Astralasia--The Politics Of Ecstasy (EYECD2)-CD-1992-RAMPLjUS
Atman - Eternal Dance-(ARNR2598)-1998-NCR
Atman - Eternal Dance (ARNR2598)-1998-PsyCZnP
ATOI - Mystery School-1994-zEn INT
Atom Heart and Tetsu Inoue and Bill Laswell-Second nature-(Fax)-1995-JUST
Atom Heart-Orange-(Fax)-1994-JUST
Atom Heart-Softcore-(Fax)-1994-JUST
Atom Heart-Softcore-CD-FLAC-1994-BCC
Atom Infant Incubator-Copula-1994-FWYH
Aube-Blood Brain Barrier-Limited Edition Box-1998-FWYH
Aube-Quadrotation-Limited Edition-4xVinyl-Boxset-1996-D2H
Aube--SCP--Menche--Mizutani - Shiroseasons-.Shirocoal.-1996-BCC
Aural Float - Introspectives-(E10CD)-1995-NCR
Aural Planet - Lightflow-1997-EaG
Aural Planet - Lightflow-1997-UPE
Auria Vizia-Music For The Seven Chakras-WEB-1996-I KnoW
Auria Vizia-New Dawn Of The Sacred Flames-WEB-1996-I KnoW
Autechre - Incunabula-1993-PTP
Autechre-Tri Repetae++-2CD-1995-iRO
Autechre-Tri Repetae-2CD-1996-REV
B.D.S. - Saturn Rings-(Promo-CDM)-1999-PsyCZ NP
B So Global - The World is Covered in Windows-1995-PsyCZ NP
Bad Sector-Plasma-Lim.Ed.-1999-AMOK
Bambi Synapse - Weather Forecast-(Green Records)-1996-BCC
Banco De Gaia - Big Men Cry-(BARKCD025)-1997-Angel
Banco De Gaia - Drunk As A Monk-1997-gEm
Banco De Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa Ltd Ed-3CD-(BARKCD011S)-1995-NCR
Banco De Gaia - Last Train To Lhasa-2CD-1995-Hydra
Banco De Gaia - Maya-1994-UPE iNT
Bastard Noise vs Spastic Colon-(pal16lp)-1998-DPS
Beequeen-Long Stones and Circles-.Staalplaat.-3inch MCD-1997-SEVER
Beherit-Electric Doom Synthesis-1996-AMOK
Bill Laswell - Axiom Ambient Lost In The Translation-(Vinyl)-1994-DRUM
Bill Laswell - Hear No Evil-1998-PsyCZ NP
Bill Laswell Tetsu Inoue-Cymatic Scan-(SD7009-2)-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Bill Laswell Pete Namlook-Outland 2-1996-DUB
Bill Laswell Pete Namlook-Psychonavigation 1-1994-DUB
Bill Laswell Pete Namlook-Psychonavigation 4-1999-DUB
Bill Laswell--Deconstruction-2CD-1994-diss
Bill Laswell-Outer dark-(Fax)-1994-JUST
Bionaut - Au Naturel-(VBR)-1996-PsyCZiNT
Bionaut - Au Naturel-1996-PsyCZ NP
Bionaut - Big Causeway To Gone-1998-PsyCZ NP
Biosphere - Deathprod-(CD1999)-MGC
Biosphere - Insomnia-(SOUND 15)-1997-NCR iNT
Biosphere - Microgravity-(OCD9105)-1991-NCR
Biosphere - Novelty Waves-CDM-(HQ)-(SOUND08-1)-1995-ZAiK iNT
Biosphere - Patashnik-1994-gEm INT
Biosphere - Substrata (ASCD33)-Reissue-1997-JA INT
Biosphere And Deathprod - Nordheim Transformed-1998-PsyCZ NP-VBR
Biosphere And Deathprod-Nordheim Transformed-1998-D2H INT
Biosphere-Insomnia-(SOUND 15)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
Biosphere-Microgravity-1992-D2H INT
Biosphere-Patashnik-(OCD 9208)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Biosphere-Patashnik-1994-D2H INT
Biosphere-Substrata-(SOUND 19)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
Biosphere-Substrata-1997-D2H INT
Biosphere-Substrata-WEB-1997-ENTiTLED iNT
Birchville Cat Motel - Fading Light form Distant Suns-1999-BCC
Birchville Cat Motel - Lion of Eight Thousand Generations-LP-1999-BCC
Birgit Grimstad - Love is A Flow-(CD)-1997-DRUM
Bjoern Fogelberg - Karooshi Porn-1999-CMG
Blaine L. Reininger Dr. Atmo I.N.G.O. and Michael Pagenstedt-U V O I I - Sound of heaven-(Fax)-1994-JUST
Blue - Prometheus-HU-1997-SMX
blue planet-peace for kabul-1998-sfsh
Boards Of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children-1998-smc
Bochum Welt-Scharlach Eingang-(CAT 030 EP)-Vinyl-1994-TrT
Bola - Soup-(HQ)-(SKALD002)-1998-ZAiK iNT
Bosnia-Same (SK12)-Limited Edition CD-1996-radial
Breitband - Fadu und Der Unterschied-1999-gEm
Brian Eno-() Ambient 3 (Day Of Radiance)-1981-1REAL INT
Brian Eno - Ambient 1 Music For Airports-1978-sfsh
Brian Eno - Discreet Music-1975-cd reissue-(1989)-logos
Brian Eno - Music For Films-1978-sfsh
Brian Eno - Neroli-1993-sfsh
Brian Eno - The Shutov Assembly-1992-sfsh
Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon-1985-sfsh
Brian Eno And John Cale - Wrong Way Up-1990-fLp
Brian Eno-Ambient 4 on Land-Retail-1982-Recycled INT
Brian Eno-Apollo (Atmospheres and Soundtracks)-1983-NuHS
Brian Eno-Apollo Atmospheres And Soundtracks (Extended Edition)-(7764319)-WEB-1983-MOHAWK
Brian Eno-Apollo Atmospheres and Soundtracks-1983-sfsh
Brian Eno-Discreet Music-1975-CD Reissue-(1989)-LOGOS
Brian Eno-Discreet Music-1990-iRO
Brian Eno-Fractal Zoom (940539-2)-CDM-FLAC-1992-CMC
Brian Eno-Instrumental Box-1994-QDP
Brian Eno-Music For Airports-1978-EMG INT
Brian Eno-Music for Films-1978-sfsh
Brian Eno-Music For White Cube-1997-sfE
Brian Eno-The Shutov Assembly-1992-sfsh
Broekhuis Keller Schoenwaelder And Friends-The Annazaal Tapes-1999-AMOK
B-Tribe-Fiesta Fatal-1993-JUST INT
Buckethead - Colma-1998-EOS
Burkhard Schmidl-Klanggarten Vol. 2-1992-UTB
Burzum-Daudi Baldrs-1997-D2H INT
Burzum-Daudi Baldrs-1997-satan int
Burzum-Hlidskjalf-1999-satan int
Byron - El Jardin De Los Suenyos-1997-EiTheLMP3
Byron M Davis-Gentle Island Surf Sound of Nature-1994-CPHVMP3
B-Zet--When I See (0630 12975-1)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
Cafe Del Mar-Aria Vol.2-1999-FLA INT
Carbon Based Lifeforms - The Path-(Unreleased Promo)-1998-NCR
Carbon Based Lifeforms - The Path-(Unreleased Promo)-1998-PsyzOne
Carl Stone-1196-(Emit)-1996-soup int
Casket Of Dreams-Dragons Of Autumn Twilight-1998-gF
Caul-The Sound of Faith-CD-1996-radial
Celtic Cross - Hicksville-1998-gEm INT
Chakotay - Inner Journey-1997-HiEM INT
Chakotay - Inner Journey-1997-UPE
Chakra - The Seven Centers-(MT-001)-1997-NCR
Chant - If It Makes You Feel Alright-WEB-1999-iDC
Charles Uzzell-Edwards-Octopus-(Fax)-1995-JUST
Children of the Bong - Sirius Sounds-(BARKCD012)-1995-Angel
Children Of The Bong-Sirius Sounds-(BARKCD012)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Chris Korda - Demons In My Head-1993-PsyCZ NP
chris zippel--nu ambient groove 2-CD1998-kW
Claudia Barth and Mathias Grassow-Sarina Jupiter-CDR-1991-SEVER
Claudia Barth and Mathias Grassow-Sarina Space Voyager-CDR-1992-SEVER
Clop Neplat-CD1-1997-AMOK
Closedown--Nearfield (SR9469)-1994-dL
Cocteau Twins-Four-Calendar Cafe-1993-DNR
Cocteau Twins-The Pink Opaque-1985-DNR
Code Indigo-For Whom The Bell-.Notting Hill.-1996-BFHMP3
Coil - Astral Disaster-Prescription.Vinyl-Ltd.Ed.99.copies-1999-FWYH
Coil-Astral Disaster-Limited.Edition.Vinyl-1999-FWYH
Coil-Is Suicide A Solution-Airborne Bells-(7Inch Vinyl)-1993-V0
Coil-Summer Solstice Bee Stings-(EP)-1998-V0
Coil-Winter Solstice North-(EP)-1999-V0
Collection Darnell Andrea-Au Val Des Roses-1990-OBC
Collection Darnell Andrea-Un Automne A Loroy-1989-OBC
Coma Virus-Hidden-(DFX27)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Cosmic Baby - Fourteen Pieces Selected Works-2CD-(TOOM002CD)-1995-NCR
Cosmic Tantra - Ambient Music For Relaxation-1997-UPE
Cranioclast - Iconclastar VI-XI (Blue)-1993-PsyCZnP
Crawl Unit - Everyone Gets What They Deserve-.Crippled Intellect.-1997-BCC
Crawl Unit - The Future in Reverse-.Crippled Intellect.-1999-BCC
Crystal Moon - Temple-1997-PsyCZ
Cthulhu Biomechanical-Phnglui Mglwnafh Cthulhu Rlyeh Wgahnagl Fhtagn-1996-BERC
Current 93 Split Sigillum S - Tetragrammaton-Ltd12inch-1989-AMOK
Cybotron-Cyber Ghetto-(Fantasy)-CD-1995-BEX
Cypher7 - Security-1995-UPE
D.Twins Featuring Novecento-Foreign Affair-CDM-1992-D2H
Dandy Jack And His Cosmic Trousers--Untitled (RI 034V)-EP-1995-CMC
Dandy Jack and Victor Sol - Xjacks (PS 08-59)-CD-1995-TR
Dargaard - Eternity Rites-1998-MoFF
Darklight - Feast Of November Dawn-Ltd Ed -Demo-TAPE-1997-AMW
Daterape--Original Soundtrack Form Lower Lifeforms (DB 029)-VLS-1995-CMC
David Helpling - Between Green and Blue-1996-AuM
David Helpling - Sleeping on the Edge of the World-1999-AuM
David Morley - Evolution (Apollo 1)-1992-gEm
David Moufang-Solitaire-(Fax)-1995-JUST
David Reeves-Otras 2-(Fax)-1995-JUST
David Shea-The Towers Of Mirrors-1996-MS
David Sylvian and Holger Czukay-Flux and Mutability-(CDVE43)-1989-DPS INT
David Sylvian and Holger Czukay-Plight and Premonition-(Virgin)-1988-DPS INT
David Toop-Pink noir-(Virgin)-1996-JUST
David Toop-Screen ceremonies-(The Wire Editions)-1995-JUST
Dead Voices On Air - How Hollow Heart-1996-EVoD
Dead Voices On Air-Glae Bastards-Limited Edition-CDR-1998-FWYH
Dead Voices On Air-Hafted Maul-1994-FWYH
Dead Voices On Air-Shap-1996-AMOK
Death Cube K-Disembodied-1997-AMOK
Death Cube K-Tunnel-1999-AMOK
Deep Forest - Comparsa-(488725 2)-1997-NCR
Deep Forest-Martas Song-CDS-1995-iNSECT
Deep Forest-Marthas Song-(COL6613612)-CDM-FLAC-1995-dL
Deep Space Network - Big Rooms-(EX-292-2)-1994-NCR
Deep Space Network - Earth To Infinity-1992-UPE
Deep Space Network And Dr. Atmo-i.f.2-1994-DPS
Dekoboko Hajime and Yamantaka Eye-Nani Nani-(Tzadik)-1995-DPS
Delerium - Duende-CDM-1997-NCR
Delerium - Semantic Spaces-(W2-30092)-1994-NCR
Delerium - Spheres-(DCD9053)-1994-NCR
Delerium - Spheres II-(DCD9060)-1994-NCR
Delerium - Stone Tower-(DCD9024)-1991-NCR
Delysid - Holo Movement-1995-fLp
Desaccord Majeur - Le Point Immobile Vibrant-Ltd.Ed.-(Jaroslav Sebesta)-1998-BCC
Desiderii Marginis-Songs Over Ruins-1997-AMOK
Die Sonne Satans-Archive Compendium-1997-D2H
Dieter Muh - Black Square-(Carnifex)-1997-BCC
Dietrich Schoenemann--Pluto-Circuits (TEN 1003)-EP-1994-CMC
Digital Justice-Theme From Its All Gone Pearshaped-(FRG14)-VINYL-1996-RACEMEx
Dilate - Octagon-2CD-(CLP0011-2)-1997-NCR
Dileo - Vol. 2 Translingual-1997-PsyCZ NP
Divination - Ambient Dub Vol II - Dead Slow-(SD7003-2)-1993-NCR
Divine Soma Experience - Welcome to the Land of Dragons-(Divine01)-1994-Angel
DJ Delirium - Spirit of Tranquility-3CD-1999-PsyCZ NP
Djen Ajakan Shean-Crows Heading For Point Blank-MCD-1994-DPS
DLS - AnNur Al Haqq-Light and Truth-1998-MYCEL
Doc Woer Mirran-Elfengrund-.Mirran Threat.-CD-1998-radial
Doc Woer Mirran-Fressing Heads-.Musical Tragedies.-CD-1994-radial
Doc Woer Mirran-Garage Pretensions-.Musical Tragedies.-CD-1993-radial
Doc Woer Mirran-Machines Dont Bleed-.Marginal Talent-Moloko.-CD-1997-radial
Dogon - The Sirius Expeditions-(WD10083-2)-1998-NCR
Dominic Woosey - Straylight (ROD 001)-CD-1994-TR INT
Dominic Woosey-Straylight-(ROD 001)-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Double Muffled Dolphin - Whos On Third-1999-smc
Double Muffled Dolphin-Whos On Third-(APR037CD)-CD-FLAC-1999-dL
Dr. Atmo Pino and Wildjamin-A day in the park-(Fax)-1995-JUST
Dr. Walker--Nuthin But An E Thang (SYNCOM 02)-EP-1998-CMC
Dr Atmo And Deep Space Network - Intergalactic Federation 1-(Ltd Ed)-1994-NCR
Dr Atmo And Ramin - Sad World 3-Limited Edition-1995-gEm
Dr Atmo And Ramin - Sad World I And II-1995-gEm
dr scissors--scuba tongues-(e10111)-VLS1998-kW
Dreamfish - Dreamfish-1993-AoeL
Drome-Party in the Woods-VLS-1994-soup
Dronaement-Allein Unter Menschen-.Aferecords.-CDR-1999-BCC
Drum Club - I Really Feel-(BFLT07-Vinyl)-1993-DRUM
Dusk of Hope-Fin De Millenaire-.Slaughter.-Tape-1997-SEVER
Dweller At The Threshold - No Boundary Condition-1996-BCC
E.A.T. - E.A.T.-CD-1997-TR
Earth Nation - Terra Incognita-(HQ)-(EQ2003-2)-1995-ZAiK iNT
Earthlan-Beautiful Collision of Nations-1997-OBC
Ecstasy of St Theresa-In Dust 3-1999-BUTT
Edward Simoni-Seine Groessten Panfloeten Hits-1995-FFI
Effective Force - My Time Is Yours (MFS 7065)-CDM-1994-TR
Electric Skychurch--Creation (MM 88409-1)-EP-1994-CMC
Electric Skychurch-Knowoneness-(MM80032-2)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Electric Skychurch-Knowoneness-1995-BEX
Electro Music Union--Structures (METONE 4)-VINYL-1993-CMC INT
Electronic Welfare--Caro (IF 004)-EP-1996-CMC
Electrotete - Shark Alcatraz-(APOLLO019-Vinyl)-1994-DRUM
Eleven Shadows-Tsechima-(11096-2)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
Elph Vs Coil-Worship The Glitch-1995-V0
Emmanuel Tuts-Schiemsky--Rust Voor De Stilte-1996-1way
Empyrium-A Wintersunset-Digipak-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Empyrium-Songs Of Moors and Misty Fields-Digipak-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
End Of Orgy - Still Life-CDDA-1995-RULLSTOL
Endvra-Liber Leviathan-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Enigma-Le Roi Est Mort Vive Le Roi-320kbs-1996-SCMT INT
Enigma-MCMXC A.D. the Limited Edition-320kbs-1991-SCMT INT
Enigma-Sadeness Part 1-(663 703)-CDM-FLAC-1990-WRE
Enigma-The Cross of Changes-320kbs-1994-SCMT INT
Entropica - Sonic Bloom Entropica Prolifica-(SSR 132 CD)-1994-NCR iNT
Entropica-Sonic Bloom Entropica Prolifica-(SSR132CD)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Enya-Orinoco Flow (YZ 312CD)-CDS-FLAC-1988-WRE
Equimanthorn-Lectionum Antiquarum-1999-SEVER
Erinys - Manhattan-Dwelling-.Tesco.-1998-BCC
Escape Tank-Escape Tank-(IAE 008CD)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Etant Donnes - RE-UP-.Disques Du Soleil Et De Lacier.-Digipak-1999-BCC
Evan - Understanding Just A Little-(991210R)-1999-NCR
Excess Head - Hopscotch-Vinyl-1998-UPE
Excess Head - Undercover The Big Job-Vinyl-1998-UPE
Exterior Mirror-Hupp-CD-1996-radial
Facil - Facil-(IAE004)-1995-UPE
Falconer - Falconer-(Cmv08-5510)-1993-DRUM
Falling Infinities--Kingdom of Dreams (DAN 483580 1)-LP-1996-CMC
Fetisch Park - Ego Ex Nihil-1996-PsyCZ
FFWD (aka The Orb and Robert Fripp)-Orbert-(bootleg)-1993-JUST
Flare - Reference to Difference-1995-gEm
Flying Saucer Attack-Main-White Winged Moth-Mort Aux Vaches-Ltd.Ed.-1999-D2H
Forest Silence-Winter Circle-1999-gF
Foundland - Everybodys Neighbour-1996-PsyCZ NP
Francisco Lopez-Untitled Single Piece 1-Ltd.Ed. VLS-1999-radial
Francois Kiraly and Charles Crevier-Calypso-(Rubicon)-1989-DPS
Frank Lorentzen-The Balance Of Gaia-(FMFCD1088)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Freddie Fresh And Paul Mix--Gates (ANAUK 03)-EP-1996-CMC
Fripp and Eno-Evening Star-1975-m00f int
FSK--4 Instrumentals (DB 061)-EP-1997-CMC
FSOL - Far Out Son Of Lung And The Ramblings Of A Madman-(VSCDT1540) EP-1995-NCR
Full Dynamic Range-Lost Generation-1992-radial
Funerary Call-Unearthed-Tape-199x-GRAVEWISH
Further-5 Further Journeys-(FUR100CD)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Further--5 Further Journeys (FUR 100 CD)-1994-dL
Furvus-Deflorescens Iam Robur-CD-FLAC-1999-SCORN
Future Sound Of Ambient 4-(1998)-MS
Future Sound Of London - Far-Out Son Of Lung Ramblings-CDM-1995-gEm
Future Sound of London - ISDN-1994-IND
Future Sound of London - Lifeforms-2CD-1994-iRO
Future Sound of London-Cascade-(CDM)-1993-SRA INT
Future Sound Of London-Far Out Son Of Lung Ramblings-CDS-1995-TraX INT
Future Sound Of London-Lifeforms-1994-TraX INT
Future Sound of London-Lifeforms-2CD-1994-iRO
G.E.N.E.-Between Ocean and Clouds-(IC2225-2)-2CD-1994-BFHMP3
G.E.N.E.-Mediterranean Mood-(IC2181-2)-1993-BFHMP3
G Park - Geopod-(Zabriskie Point)-1995-BCC
Gabriel Le Mar - Gabs Lab-1999-smc
Gabrielle Roth And The Mirrors-Bones-CD-FLAC-1989-dL
Galaxy - Angel-1998-gEm INT
Galaxy - Angel-1998-HZE
Gandalf - Gallery of Dreams-1992-PsyCZiNT
Gandalf - To Another Horizon-1990-fLp
Gas - GAS-(MP032CD)-1996-EMP
GAS - Zauberberg (MP045)-CD-1998-TR
Gas-Gas 0095-EM T 0095-CD-1995-BPM
Gas-Koenigsforst-1999-DPS INT
Gas-Zauberberg-1998-DPS INT
GDAE-Things First Story-Tape-1997-D2H
Geir Jenssen And Pete Namlook - The Fires Of Ork-1993-PsyCZ NP
Genesis P-Orridge and Column One-Vis Spei-Ltd.Ed. CD-1995-radial
Genlog - Rosa Lauschen-1998-CMG
Gert Blokzijl-Oldambt-WEB-1993-UKW
Gheorge Zampir-Pan Pipe Dreams-Retail-1995-DGN
Gilead Limor-You Are The Universe-(9500-2)-CD-FLAC-1989-EMG
Girnu Giesmes-8 Nerimo Veidrodziai-CDR-1997-AMOK
Girnu Giesmes-Juodi Vasaros Trimitai-Tape-1998-AMOK
Girnu Giesmes-Kerai-Tape-1995-AMOK
Giuseppe Verticchio - Fragments from the Lost Time-1998-BCC
Glenn underground--lounge excursions-CD1998-kW int
Global Communication - 76 14-(DEDCD014)-1997-NCR
Global Communication - Pentamerous Metamorphosis-(61702-44021-2)-1998-EMP
Global Communication - Remotion-The Global Communication Remix Album-1995-NCR
Global Communication-7614-CD-FLAC-1994-BCC
Global Communication-Maiden Voyage-CDM-2CD-1994-DeBT iNT
Global Communication-Remotion The Global Communication Remix Album-(DEDCD21)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Global Communication-Remotion-1996-DeBT iNT
Global Communication-The Groove-CDM-1997-DeBT iNT
GOL-Sensations of Tone-CD-1995-MS
Govinda - Entwined and Entranced-1999-PsyCZ
Grain-Two Zeros-(FRA-CD 001)-PROMO-CD-FLAC-1998-dL
Green Isac--Happy Endings (OCD 9209)-WEB-1992-dL
Green Isac--Strings And Pottery (OCD 9002)-WEB-1990-dL
Grey Area - Absolute-1999-MS
Harold Budd And Hector Zazou-Glyph-199x-RAGEMP3
Harold Budd-Agua-1995-SEVER
Harold Budd-The Pavilion Of Dreams-Reissue-CD-FLAC-1997-BCC
Haroumi Hosono-Medicine Compilation From The Quiet Lodge-1992-1REAL
Haruomi Hosono-N.D.E.-1995-1REAL
Heavenly Music Corporation-Anechoic-(SR9599)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Hedkandi - Served Chilled-2Cd-1999-egs
Herbst9-From A Dark Chasm Below-1999-nok INT
Herz--Shamans Path Random Electronix-(PEYOTE012)-Vinyl-1999-RAMPLjUS
Higher Intelligence Agency and Pete Namlook-S.H.A.D.O 2-CD-FLAC-1999-BCC
Hilight Tribe-Maha-Wave-CD-FLAC-1999-PsyCZ
Hiroshi Yoshimura--Green (CD-152)-1986-dL
Hollow Earth-Dog Days of the Holocaust-1998-CMG
Horizon 222-The Three Of Swans-1993-MS
Human Beings--For The Time Being Part 3-(DV8-008-3)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
Human Mesh Dance - The Secret Number Twelve-(12k1000-CD)-1997-DRUM
Human Mesh Dance-Hyaline-CD-FLAC-1993-BCC
Human Mesh Dance-Mindflower-1994-BCC
Human Mesh Dance-Mindflower-CD-FLAC-1994-BCC
Human--The Island Life (HUMAN 001)-VINYL-1997-CMC INT
Hybryds-Music For Rituals-Ltd.Ed.1000-1992-AMOK
Hydra - Rendezvous In Space-(45112)-1998-NCR
I Burn-Infraharmonies Scald Cavities-1998-FWYH
Ian Boddy And Markus Reuter - Distant Rituals-Ltd.Ed-(DiN2)-1999-NCR
Ibizarre - The Ambient Collection Vol 2-(WSMCD026)-1998-NCR
Ibizarre-The Ambient Collection Vol.1-1997-1REAL
Ignis Fatuus-The Futility Goddess-Limited Edition-CD-1998-D2H
Ildfrost-Natanael-Limited Edition-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Illusion of Safety - Water Seeks Its Own Level-(SR9351-CD)-1994-DRUM
Illusion Of Safety-Cancer-1992-FWYH
Illusion Of Safety--Mort Aux Vaches-1996-i8
Illusion Of Safety--Probe-1992-i8
Immersion--Oscillating (SWIM WM4)-CD-1994-CMC
Inade - Aldebaran-1995-PsyCZiNT
Inade-Schwerttau-Ltd.Ed. Cassette-1994-nok INT
Inade-The Axxiarm Plains-Ltd.Ed. VLS-1995-radial
Inade-The Flood of the White Light-Ltd.Ed. 10inch-1997-radial
Inanna-Signal Or Minimal-1998-FWYH
Index ID-Schlafphase-Album-CD-1999-2DB
Indus - Personal Universe Real Exploration-(CDV 001)-1995-NCR
In-Existence - Moonwater-(AMB3923CD)-1993-NCR
In-Existence--Moonwater (AMB 3923 CD)-1993-dL INT
Inference Engine-Gravity Well-(SH1872203)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Information--Artifact 1-3 (BS004)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
Inlakesh - Quantum Dreaming-1994-NCR
Inlakesh - The Dreaming Gate-1997-NCR
Inlakesh - The Gathering-1999-NCR
Inspired Artists (Ft James Pease)-Winters End-1995-BUTT
Internal Fusion - Om Vaira Sattva Hum-1996-PsyCZ
International Peoples Gang - International Peoples Gang-(3395)-Digipak-1995-NCR INT
International Peoples Gang-3395-(Emit)-1995-soup
International Peoples Gang-International Peoples Gang 3395-(3395)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Irving S Teibel-Environments 2 Tintinnabulation-Reissue-1987-DPS
Ivan Sokolovsky - Khans Afternoon Rest (Five Tracks for Meditation)-1996-PsyCZ NP-VBR
Jam And Spoon - Tripomatic Fairytales 2002 (474918 2)-CDA-1993-gEm
James Bernard-Atmospherics-(RSNCD14)-DIGIPAK-UK-1994-WFA
James Johnson - Surrender-1999-BCC
James Plotkin-A Strange Perplexing-.Indiscreet.-1996-SEVER
Jasper Van T Hof-Visitors-LP-1982-D2H
Jean Michel Jarre - Oxygene-1992-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Chronologie-1993-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Cities In Concert-1987-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - En Attendant Cousteau-1990-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Equinoxe-1983-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Magnetic Fields-1983-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene 7-13-1997-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygene-1992-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Rendez-Vous-1986-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Revolutions-1988-CMG
Jean-Michel Jarre - Revolutions-1988-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre - Zoolook-1985-OiGnp
Jean-Michel Jarre-Equinoxe-1978-SYN INT
Jean-Michel Jarre-Hong Kong-2CD-1994-NuHS
Jean-Michel Jarre-Magnetic Fields-1997-SYN INT
Jean-Michel Jarre-Oxygene-1992-SYN INT
jean-michel-jarre-equinoxe-1978-syn int
jean-michel-jarre-magnetic fields-1997-syn int
Jean-Paul Genre-Earth Songs - The Sound of a New Dream-CD-1998-D2H
Jean-Paul Merkel - Virtual Era-1999-EMP
Jeff Greinke - Lost Terrain-1992-pyt
Jeff Greinke-Lost Terrain-(SR9219)-CD-FLAC-1992-dL
Jeff Greinke-Lost Terrain-1992-pyt
JFC - The Timerewinder-(MOLE010-2)-1998-NCR INT
Jim Cole and Spectral Voices-Coalescence-1997-DPS
Jim Kirkwood - Tower of Darkness-1993-gEm
Jimmy Cauty-Space-1990-sfE
Jocelyn Montgomery with David Lynch-Lux Vivens The Music Of Hildegard Von Bingen-1998-D2H INT
Jochem Paap-(Speedy J)-Vrs-Mbnt-Pcs 9598 II-(Fax Records)-CD-1999-DPS
John Beltran-Earth And Nightfall-1995-JUST
John Ozila - Viva Brazil (Medley)-(338502)-FR-Vinyl-199x-ZzZz
John Watermann-Babel 1-1993-FWYH
Jon Anderson-Speed Deep The Deseo Remixes-CDS-FLAC-1995-dL
Jonah Sharp And Bill Laswell-Visitations-1994-1REAL
Jonathan Coleclough-Windlass (KIP-STAALPLAAT)-1999-DPS
Jonn Serrie - Ixlandia-1995-UPE
Jonn Serrie - Tingri-1990-UPE
Jorge Reyes-Comala-1989-JUST
Jorge Reyes-Tonami-1995-sfE
Jumper-Between Traffic Lights And Globe Interconnection-(CMS-4U954007)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Juno Reactor - Lu Ci-Ana-1994-gEm
Juno Reactor - Lu Ci-Ana-1994-gEm
Juno Reactor - Luciana-(IINTA002CD)-1994-NCR iNT
Juno Reactor-Bible of Dreams-1997-DS
Juno Reactor-Lu.Ci-Ana-1994-D2H INT
Karunesh - Chakra Sounds-(HQ)-(B00004S4EU)-1997-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Colors Of Light-(HQ)-(OMCD6134)-1989-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Global Spirit-(HQ)-(ORMCD60342)-1997-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Heart Symphony-(HQ)-(OMCD6136)-1991-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Secrets Of Life-(HQ)-(OMCD6130)-1996-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Skys Beyond-(HQ)-(OMCD6135)-1989-ZAiK iNT
Karunesh - Sounds Of The Heart-(HQ)-(OMCD6133)-1989-ZAiK iNT
Katrin Achinger And The Flight Crew-Icare-.Strange Ways.-1993-AMOK
Keller And Schoenwaelder-Sakrale Toene-Limited Edition-1997-AMOK
Kevin Keller-Pendulum-1999-AMOK
Kevin Keller-The Mask Of Memory-1993-AMOK
Khan And Walker--Empire State Building (XXC3-801)-VLS-1995-CMC
Kitaro - An Enchanted Evening-1995-NCR
Kitaro - Tunhuang-(CD058)-1996-NCR
Kitaro-From The Full Moon Story-1979-MS
Klaus Schulze - Timewind-(HQ)-(CARCD01807-2)-1991-ZAiK iNT
Klaus Wiese - Samarkand-1987-PsyCZnP
Klaus Wiese-Vision-(6052-033)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
KLF - Chillout-Retail-1990-MiT
Kosinus-Road Movies-1992-SNOOK
L.S.G. - Into Deep-1999-gEm INT
Lava Lounge - Electro Desert-1998-PsyCZ
LCD-Jupiter and Beyond Infinity-1994-JUST
Leif Strand-De 12 Arstiderna-(AIRCD1020)-CD-FLAC-1986-dL
Lisa Gerrard and Pieter Bourke-Duality-CD-FLAC-1998-PsyCZ
Loop Guru - Amrita-1995-MYCEL iNT
Loop Guru - The Foundation Of Paradise-1999-eMi
Loop Guru - The Fountains Of Paradise-1999-gEm INT
Loop Guru - The Third Chamber-1994-iNeT
Loop Guru-Duniya (The Intrinsic Passion Of Mysterious Joy)-1995-m00f int
Loren Nerell - Lilin Dewa-1996-UPE
Los Mismos - City Tour-1998-gEm
Lull - Dreamt About Dreaming-(SET3CD)-1992-NCR
Lustmord - The Monstrous Soul-(DFX14)-1992-NCR iNT
Lustmord-A Document Of Early Acoustic And Tactical Experimentation-1991-D2H INT
Lustmord-The place where the black stars hang-CD-FLAC-1994-AMOK
M87-Noctilucent Threnody-.Supernal.-1999-SEVER
Maeror Tri - Emotional Engramm-1997-UPE
Maeror Tri - Mort Aux Vaches-(Ltd.Ed.)-1997-UPE
Maeror Tri - Myein-1995-UPE
Maeror Tri-Exorbitant-Ltd.Ed.-1996-nok INT
Maeror Tri-Hypnotikum I-Ltd.Ed. LP-1998-radial
Main - Firmament III-1996-PsyCZnP
Makyo - Rasa Bhava-1996-gEm
Makyo - Rasa Bhava-1996-PTP
Makyo - Shringara And Devadasi-2CD-1998-NCR
Makyo - Shringara-1998-Psytopia
Makyo - Vismaya-(DAK9902)-1999-NCR iNT
Makyo - Vismaya-1999-MS
Mandible Chatter-Hair Hair Lock And Lore-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Manna-51-AMB8945CD-CD-1998-G3L INT
Manna-Hoggin A Dub-APOLLO34CD-CD-1997-G3L INT
Manna-Manna-AMB5937CD-CD-1995-G3L INT
Mantaray - Numinous Island-1995-MS
Mantaray-Numinous Island-(SR9592)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Mark Dwane - Angels Aliens And Archetypes-1991-UPE
Marzipan and Mustard - Plastic Trips-2CD-1997-gEm
Massive Attack-No Protection-1995-EOS
Massive Attack-Protection-1995-EOS
Material - Mantra-(CDS)-1993-fLp
Mathias Grassow - Dissolution-(Ltd.Ed.)-1999-PsyCZ
Mathias Grassow - In Search Of Sanity-1993-UPE
Mathias Grassow and Amir Baghiri--True North-1998-1way
Mathias Grassow-Behind the Evident Void-Tape-1988-SEVER
Mathias Grassow--Lifecycle-1994-1way
Mathias Grassow--Prophecy-1991-1way
Mathias Grassow-Psychic Dome-(AIM-NR.0013)-CD-FLAC-1992-dL
Mathias Grassow--Psychic Dome-1992-1way
Megaptera - The Curse of the Scarecrow-1998-XXI INT
Megaptera-Beautiful Chaos-Ltd.Ed. CD-EP-1998-radial
Melting Euphoria-Beyond The Maybe Machine-.Cleopatra.-1996-AMOK
Meridian Dream - How About Now-1995-MYCEL
Merl Saunders - Blues From The Rainforest A Musical Suite-1990-MYCEL
Miasma-1195-(Emit)-1995-soup int
Mind Transport Tools - Tone Clone-(SL800032)-1999-JA
Mindpop--Mindpop (DROP001)-1994-Disc0LjUS
Miqueu Montanaro-And Sapto Raharjo-Java-1997-SNOOK
Modesty--Mind Fly (XXC3 301)-EP-1994-CMC
Mohikana - I Will Find You-Retail Vinyl-1993-iDC
Monolake-Gobi The Desert-EP-(Imbalance Computer Music)-1999-DPS INT
Monolake--the desert ep-1999-kW
Mortiis - The Song Of A Long Forgotten Ghost Demo-1993-FERiCE
Mortiis-Anden Som Gjorde Oppror-1995-aza
Mortiis--Anden Som Gjorde Oppror-1995-FRP
Mortiis-Crypt of the Wizard-1996-aza
Mortiis-Fodt til a Herske (reissued)-1999-aza
Mortiis-Keiser Av En Dimensjon Ukjent-1999-fuf int
Mortiis-The Stargate-1999-AZA
Mory Kante - Deni-(887 886-1)-FR-Vinyl-1988-ZzZz
Mox - Mox-1998-PsyCZnP
Muslimgauze-Gulf Between Us-(SOL 49 CD)-WEB-1997-USR INT
Mysteries Of Science - Mysteries Of Science-(EX-279-2)-1994-NCR
Mysteries Of Science - Mysteries Of Science-1994-MYCEL
Mystery of the Yeti - The Mystery of the Yeti-(TIPCD009)-1996-Angel
Mythos - Introspection-1996-MYCEL
Nada Shakti and Bruce BecVar - Jiva Mukti-1994-PsyCZnP
Namlook-Namlook II-Limited Edition-1993-D2H
Natural Language-0098-(Emit)-1998-souper int
Necrophorus-Underneath the Spirit of Tranquility-1996-AMOK
Necrophorus-Yoga-Ltd.Ed. Vinyl-1997-FWYH
Neural Network - Modernite-2CD-1995-PsyCZ
Neuronium And Vangelis-In London-MCD-1992-D2H
Neutron 9000 - Lady Burning Sky-(RSNLP23)-Vinyl-1994-NCR
New Composers & Brian Eno - Smart-(HQ)-(EL005CD)-1999-ZAiK iNT
New Composers & Pete Namlook - Planetarium-(HQ)-(EL006CD)-1998-ZAiK iNT
Nigel Shaw-The Seventh Wave-(SWMCD02)-CD-FLAC-1991-dL
Nightnoise-Shadow Of Time-CD-FLAC-1993-FORSAKEN
Nine Inch Nails-Quake Soundtrack-1996-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Quake-1996-gruX
Nitin Sawhney-Displacing The Priest-1996-MS
NLC-Le Sanctuaire Dis-CD-FLAC-1997-AMOK
NLC-Le Sang De La Licorne-CD-FLAC-1997-AMOK
Nono Orchestra-Angels Breakin-1999-DPS
Nor Elle - Phantom Of Life-(MOLE0132CD)-1998-ZAiK iNT
Norman-Mr Magics Nightflight-(CDAE02)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Norway-The Essence Of Norway-1999-AMOK
Noto and Yoko Tawada-13-CD-FLAC-1999-BCC
Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites-Allegro Vivace-CD-FLAC-1992-AMOK
Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites-Spiritus Rex-CD-FLAC-1994-AMOK
Nova Nova-La Chanson De Roland-(F103CD)-CD-1999-KMN
Number 9 Dream-Rhythm And Irrelevance-(ROD 006)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
nyx--amor-fati (esp 9194-2)-cd-1994-cmc int
O and Noto-Mikro Makro-CD-FLAC-1997-BCC
O Yuki Conjugate - Equator-(Ltd.Ed.)-1994-PsyCZ
O Yuki Conjugate-Primitive-1996-N1
OB 1 - Anubismatist-1995-PsyCZ
Ochi Brothers - Drum N Space-1999-gEm
Ohmega Tribe - Anodyne Wisdohm-(SR9583)-1995-NCR
Oliver Lieb - Constellation (ROD 003)-1993-gEmINT
Oliver Shanti and Friends - Well Balanced-1995-JA
Omar Faruk Tekbilek - One Truth-(HOS11309)-1999-NCR
Omlo Vent-Mild Landing-(CHILLUM000)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Optic Eye - Light Side of the Sun-1994-gEm
Orbital - In Sides-1996-PTP
Orbital - Snivilisation-(HQ)-(FFRR697124027-2)-1994-ZAiK iNT
Orbital-In Sides-(Limited Edition)-(697 124 087-2)-(2CD)-1996-iRG iNT
Orbital-Orbital 2 (Brown Album)-(TRUCD2)-(CD)-1993-iRG iNT
Orbital-Snivilisation-(697 124 027-2)-(CD)-1994-iRG iNT
Orbital-The Middle Of Nowhere-(556 076-2)-(CD)-1999-iRG iNT
Orb-Live 93-IMCD245-CD-1997-XTC iNT
Orb--Pomme Fritz (12 ORB 2)-VINYL-1994-CMC INT
Oval-Dok-WEB-1997-ENSLAVE iNT
Ozoona--Ozoona (PW 31)-VINYL-1996-CMC
Padmasana - Balinese Space Dub-1999-gEm
Patchwork - Marsmellow-(SZRCD050)-1999-ZAiK iNT
Patchwork - Marsmellow-1999-gEm
Patchwork - Odeon-(SZRCD035)-1998-ZAiK iNT
Patchwork - Patchwork-(SZRCD019)-1997-ZAiK iNT
Patchwork - Patchwork-1997-PsyCZ
Patrick Ohearn - A Windham Hill Retrospective-(01934-11252-2)-1997-NCR
Patrick Ohearn - Indigo-(01005-82091-2)-1991-NCR
Patrick Ohearn - Metaphor-(DCR1002-2)-1996-NCR
Paul Hardcastle - First Light-1997-CMG
Paysage Dhiver-Die Festung-Ltd.Ed.-Demo-DE-1999-AMRC
Pentatonik--Credo (DVNT02CDS)-CDM-1994-dL
Pentatonik-Credo And Zeitgeist-(DVNT02CDS)-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
Penumbra - Anoraks-1999-PsyCZ
Pete Namlook & Charles Uzzell-Edwards - A New Consciousness 1-(HQ)-(PW10CD)-1994-ZAiK iNT
Pete Namlook - Definitive Ambient Coll. Vol. 2-(Rsn Cd013)-1994-gEm
Pete Namlook and Atom(tm)-Jet Chamber-1995-BCC
Pete Namlook and Atom Heart-Jet Chamber 2-CD-FLAC-1996-BCC
Pete Namlook And Bill Laswell-Psychonavigation 3-Ltd.Ed.-1997-D2H INT
Pete Namlook And Bill Laswell-Psychonavigation 4-Ltd.Ed.-1999-D2H
Pete Namlook and Charles Uzzell-Edwards-A New Consciousness-1994-BCC
Pete Namlook And Dandy Jack--AMP (PK 08-118)-EP-1996-CMC
Pete Namlook And Dr.Atmo-Escape II-WEB-1994-D2H
Pete Namlook And Dr Atmo - Silence-(PK08-025)-1992-NCR
Pete Namlook and Higher Intelligence Agency S H A D O CD FLAC 1997 BCC
Pete Namlook and Jonah Sharp-Wechselspannung-CD-FLAC-1995-BCC
Pete Namlook and Karl Berger - Polytime-(Ltd.Ed.)-1998-PsyCZnP
Pete Namlook And Klaus Schulze-The Dark Side Of The Moog VIII-WEB-1999-D2H INT
Pete Namlook and New Composers - Planetarium-1998-sfE
Pete Namlook and Peter Prochir - Miles Apart-(Ltd.Ed.)-1998-PsyCZnP
Pete Namlook And Richie Hawtin - From Within 1-1994-DEFiANT
Pete Namlook and Robert Sattler-Kooler-(Fax)-1995-JUST
Pete Namlook and Tetsu Inoue - 2350 Broadway 2-2CD-(Ltd.Ed.)-1994-PsyCZnP
Pete Namlook and Tetsu Inoue - 2350 Broadway-2CD-(Ltd.Ed.)-1993-PsyCZnP
Pete Namlook and Tetsu Inoue-2350 Broadway 2-2CD-FLAC-1994-BCC
Pete Namlook-Air II-WEB-1994-D2H INT
Pete Namlook-Air-WEB-1993-D2H INT
Pete Namlook-Klaus Schulze-Bill Laswell-The Dark Side Of The Moog IV-WEB-1996-D2H INT
Pete Namlook-Namlook III-WEB-1994-D2H INT
Pete Namlook-Namlook XI-WEB-1996-D2H INT
Pete Namlook-Silence III-.Fax.-1998-BFHMP3
Pete Namlook-Silence IV-Ltd.Ed.-1999-1REAL
Peter Kuhlmann and Juergen Rehberg - Passion-(Yesterday-Tomorrow)-1993-FuFFENS
Phil Thornton-Alchemy-1993-D2H
Philosophers Stone-Apparatus-1999-SiRiON
Piers Headley - Music For Toilets (TRESOR21)-CD-1993-gEm
Pitch Black - Futureproof-2CD-1999-UPE
Plaid - Rest Roof Clockwork-1999-smc
Plastikman - Pk (MINUS 2)-EP-1999-CMC
Plastikman - Sheet One-1993-PsyCZ NP-VBR
Plastikman--Pk (MINUS 2)-EP-1999-CMC
Prem Joshua - Secret Of The Wind-(NE 9607-2)-1996-NCR
Pressure Of Speech - Phase 1-1997-MYCEL
Project Earth-Tak Ze-(MFS7058-3)-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
Project Earth--Tak Ze (MFS 7058-3)-CDM-1994-dL
Psychic TV - Kondole-1993-PsyCZ NP
Puissance-Krig Demo 1-Rerelease-SE-1995-AMRC
Puissance-Obey Hate Die Demo 2-rerelease-1995-AMRC
Pushkar - Inner Harvest-1986-MYCEL
Qubism - Qubism-(2294)-Digipak-1994-NCR iNT
Qubism-2294-(Emit)-1994-soup int
Rae Dileo-Journey To The Core-(FDM1212)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
raison detre-collected archives-2CD-1999-256kbs
Raison dEtre-Enthraled By The Wind Of Lonelienes-1994-iRO
Raison DEtre-In Sadness Silence And Solitude-1997-iRO
Raison Detre-Within the Depths of Silence and Phormations-1996-nok iNT
Ralph Lundsten-The Seasons Arstiderna-(ACD21)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Rapoon - Cidar-(DAT)-1994-UPE
Rapoon - Easterly Six Or Seven-1997-UPE
Rapoon - Raising Earthly Spirits-Ltd.Ed-1993-UPE
Rapoon - Recurring Dream Circle-1996-UPE
Rapoon - The Fires Of The Borderlands-1998-EVoD
Rapoon - What Do You Suppose (The Alien Question)-1999-PsyCZ
Rapoon-Vernal Crossing-1993-AMOK
Real Life-Journey Of The Carcharadon-(NTONECD03)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Redeye - Resort Annexia-(A6A.11-Vinyl)-1995-DRUM
Redshift-Rehearsal 96-Live Bootleg-CDR-1996-AMOK
Riley Lee-Waiting For The Angels-1997-MTD
Rob Essers - Raincolors-1994-UPE
Robert Fripp - A Blessing of Tears-1995-PsyCZ NP
Robert Fripp - Pie Jesu (DGM9704)-CDM-1997-TR
Robert Rich - A Troubled Resting Place-1996-UPE
Robert Rich - Propagation-1994-UPE
Robert Rich - Rainforest-1989-sfsh
Robert Rich - Seven Veils-1998-UPE
Robert Rich - Trances Drones-2CD-(Special Edition)-1994-PsyCZnP
Robert Rich-Inner Landscapes-1999-DeBT iNT
Robert Rich-Numena And Geometry-2CD-1997-DeBT iNT
Robert Rich-Rainforest-1989-DeBT iNT
Robert Rutman - Music to Sleep By (TRES V04)-CD-1998-TR
Robert Schroeder-Driftin-1988-NOiR
Robert Schroeder-Galaxie Cygnus-A-LP-1982-NOiR
Robert Schroeder-TimeWaves-1987-NOiR
Rod Modell - The Autonomous Music Project-1998-DPS
Roedelius - Aquarello-(ASCD35-CD)-1998-DRUM
Ruedi Hausermann-Galerie Randolph-(BLACKTRUFFLE042D)-WEB-1995-NDE
Runes Order - No Future-Ltd.Ed.-1999-XXI INT
Runes Order-Odisseum-(SM 006)-WEB-1996-USR INT
Runes Order-The Land Of Silence-(SM 003)-WEB-1995-USR
Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes-1997-gEm INT
Saafi Brothers - Mystic Cigarettes-1997-tBs
Sanjiva - Initiation-1997-PsyCZ
Sanjiva - Radiance-1998-fLp
Sanjiva - The Journey-1996-gEm
Sara Bong-What If The King Should Come To The City-1997-MTD
Sara Bong-What If The King Should Come To The City-CD-FLAC-1997-FORSAKEN
Save A Prayer-Red Moon-.Nova Zembla.-1996-AMOK
Seed (aka Paul Schutze)-Vertical memory-(Beyond)-1995-JUST
Seed-Vertical Memory-(RBADCD12)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Seefeel - i-01-(i-01)-12 Vinyl-Promo-1994-NCR
Seefeel - More Like Space EP-(PURE20CD)-CDM-1993-NCR
Sephiroth-Cathedron-1999-D2H INT
SETI - The Geometry Of Night-(INCCD3310)-1996-NCR
Sheila Chandra-Quiet-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1996-MAHOU
Shivkumar Sharma - Raga Puriya Dhanashri-1991-PsyCZnP
Shpongle - Are You Shpongled-1998-OiG
Shpongle - Are You Shpongled-1998-PHS
Shpongle-Are You Shpongled-CD-FLAC-1998-PsyCZ
Silence - Silence IV-(PK08-149)-1999-NCR
Single Cell Orchestra-Dead Vent 7-(REFCD4)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Slim-0097-(Emit)-1997-souper int
Slope--Planet H (IF 002)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
Solar Quest - Orgship (SSR 131CD)-CD-1994-CMC
Solar Quest - Orgship 2-(SSR136-Vinyl)-1994-DRUM INT
Some Other People - Orbitality-1993-PsyCZ
Something Wonderful - Ukajin-(MPCD23)-1999-PsyCZiNT
Sounds From The Ground-Kin-(WWCD014)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Space Cat - Karraveth-1995-PsyCZ
Space Cat-Karraveth-CD-FLAC-1995-PsyCZ
Spacecraft - Hummel-1998-UPE
Spacetime Continuum - Sea Biscuit-(ASW6129-2)-1994-NCR
Spacetime Continuum With Terence McKenna - Alien Dreamtime-1993-gEm INT
Spacetime Continuum With Terence McKenna - Speaking In Tongues (ASW 6108)-VLS-1993-gEm
Star Sounds Orchestra - Inter Planetary Ambience-2CD-1995-MYCEL
Star Sounds Orchestra - Kosmophonon-1992-UPE
Stars of the Lid-Gravitational Pull vs The Desire for an Aquatic Life-WEB-1996-ENSLAVE iNT
Stars Of The Lid-Per Aspera Ad Astra-1998-DeBT iNT
Stephen Kent - Landing-1994-PsyCZ
Steve Roach - Desert Solitaire-1989-sfsh
Steve Roach - Dreamtime.Return-2CD-(1988)-DiSS
Steve Roach - Halcyon Days-1996-UPE
Steve Roach - Light Fantastic-1999-JUST
Steve Roach - The Magnificent Void-1996-gEm
Steve Roach and Robert Rich-Soma-1992-AMRC
Steve Roach And Vidna Obmana - Ascension Of Shadows-3CD-Ltd.Ed-1998-NCR
Steve Roach And Vidna Obmana-Cavern Of Sirens-1996-nok INT
Steve Roach--Atmospheric Conditions-1999-WUS
Steve Roach-NOW-WEB-1982-UKW INT
Steve Roach-Origins-1993-AMRC
Steve Roach-Quiet Music-Complete Edition-2CD-Remastered-1999-AMOK
Steve Roach-The Lost Pieces-1993-AMOK
Steve Roach-Traveler-WEB-1983-UKW INT
Stevie Be Zet - Archaic Modulation (ROD 005)-1994-gEm
Stillpoint-Maps Without Edges-.City of Tribes.-1998-SEVER
Sufi-Lifes Rising-(AMBT9)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Sun Electric - Ahhh!-(HQ)-(RS94037CD)-1994-ZAiK iNT
Sun Electric - Olocco-Revisited-EP-(HQ)-(MWS020R)-1991-ZAiK iNT
Sun Electric-30.7.94-(AMB5938CD)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Sun Electric--30.7.94 Live (AMB5938CD)-1995-dL INT
Sun Electric-OLocco-(RS93023DB)-WEB-1993-KOUALA iNT
Sunkings - Hall Of Heads-1994-PsyCZ
Sunkings - Soul Sleeping-1998
Sunkings - Soul Sleeping-1998-fLp
Suns Of Arqa - Cosmic Jugalbandi-1999-fLp iNT
Suns Of Arqa - Cosmic Jugalbandi-1999-gEm INT
Suns Of Arqa - Cradle-1992-gEm
Suns Of Arqa - Govindas House-(EP)-1988-fLp iNT
Suns Of Arqa - Total Eclipse Of The Suns-1995-NCR
Suns Of Arqa-Animan-1997-MS
Suns of Arqa-Land of a Thousand Churches-PROPER-1994-MS
Suns Of Arqa--Shabda-1999-WUS
Suso Saiz-Katuwira (Soundscapes B S O De La Pelicula)-.No CD.-1998-SEVER
Suzuki K1 7.5cc - Satellite Serenade (ORACD03)-CDM-1994-gEm INT
Swimwear Catalogue--Ntunxun (APR 005 CD)-CD-1995-dL
Synaesthesia - Embody-(CD ZOT 131)-1995-PSL
Synaesthesia - Embody-1995-PTP
Synaesthesia - Ephemeral-1997-PTP
Syndromeda-Circles Of Life-.Groove Unlimited.-1997-AMOK
System 7 - Power Of 7-(HQ)-(BFLCD16)-1996-ZAiK iNT
T.A.G.C.-Iso-Erotic Calibrations-1994-V0
T.A.G.C.-Meontological Research Recording Record 1-(12Inch Vinyl)-1987-V0
TAGC-Burning Water-1994-V0
Takahashi Jansen-Pulse X Pulse-(MPCD7)-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1998-dL
Tec Two - Shrill Out-1996-ECT
Terence McKenna With Zuvuya - Dream Matrix Telemetry-1993-gEm INT
Terrace Of Memories-Terrace Of Memories-1992-D2H INT
Tesendalo-Bandwurm-Ltd.Ed. LP-1999-radial
Tetsu Inoue - Slow And Low-1995-gEm
Tetsu Inoue-World Receiver-CD-FLAC-1996-BCC
The 13th Tribe - Ping Pong Anthropology-1992-PsyCZnP
The Black Dog--Music for Adverts and Short Films (PUP LP 2)-LP-1996-CMC
The Blue Team-The Blue Team-1995-AMOK
The Brain - Access And Amplify-(CLP 9767-2)-1996-PsyCZ
The Dark Side Of The Moog - Dark Side Of The Moog IV-(PK08-108)-1996-NCR
The Fireman - Rushes-(4970552)-1998-NCR
The Future Sound of London - Dead Cities-(320)-1996-PHS
The Future Sound of London - ISDN-(320)-1995-PHS
The Future Sound of London - Lifeforms Extracts-(FSOL1)-Promo-1994-Angel
The Future Sound Of London-ISDN-(CDV 2755)-Ltd Ed-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
The Future Sound Of London-Lifeforms-(VSCDXJ1484)-PROMO-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
The Higher Intelligence Agency - Freefloater-(RBADCD13)-1995-NCR
The Higher Intelligence Agency and Biosphere-Polar Sequences-1996-D2H INT
The Higher Intelligence Agency-Colourform-(84102-2)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
The Higher Intelligence Agency--Colourform (84102-2)-1994-dL INT
The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences-(BR005CD)-1995-Angel
The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences-1995-PsyCZ-VBR
The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences-Proper-1995-NCR
The Infinity Project-Mystical Experiences-(BR005CD)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
The Irresistible Force - Flying High-(Vinyl)-1993-Ai
The Irresistible Force - Global Chillage-(RSNCD24)-1994-NCR
The Irresistible Force-Global Chillage-1994-EMG INT
The KLF - Chill Out-1990-tBs
The KLF-Chill Out-(JAMSCD5)-CD-FLAC-1989-dL
The KLF-Chill Out-(WAXCD 7155)-PROPER-1990-MS
The Orb - Anthology Vol 1-1993-HiEM
The Orb - Assassin-(BLRDA81-863875-2)-CDS-1992-PsyCZ NP
The Orb - Assassin-1992-SMC
The Orb - Aubrey Mixes the Ultraworld Excursions-1991-HiEM
The Orb - Blue Room-(74321-10702-2)-CDM-1992-NCR
The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds-(BLR33CD)-CDM-1990-Angel
The Orb - Orblivion-(CID8055)-1997-NCR
The Orb - Orbus Terrarum-1995-gEm INT
The Orb - Peel Sessions Part 1-(SFRCD118)-CDM-1991-NCR
The Orb - Pomme Fritz-(74321-20229-2)-1994-NCR
The Orb - The Peel Sessions Part 2-(SFRCD138)-1996-NCR
The Orb - Toxygene-Vinyl-1997-HiEM
The Orb - U.F.Off the Best of the Orb-2CD-Limited Edition-1998-gEm INT
The Orb - U.F.Orb-(CID8033)-1992-NCR
The Orb--Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld Patterns And Textures Version-1992-dL INT
The Orb-Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld-REPACK-2CD-FLAC-1991-WRS
The Orb-Aubrey Mixes The Ultraworld Excursions-(BLRCD14)-CD-FLAC-1991-dL
The Orb--Aubrey Mixes The Ultraworld Excursions (BLRCD 14)-1991-dL INT
The Orb-Auntie Aubreys Excursions Beyond The Call of Duty-2CD-FLAC-1996-WRS
The Orb-Little Fluffly Clouds-Vinyl-(BLRT 98)-1994-DPS INT
The Orb-Live 93-2CD-FLAC-1993-WRS
The Orb--Orblivion-CD-1997-WUS INT
The Orb-Orbus Terrarum-CD-FLAC-1995-WRS
The Orb--U.F.Orb-(1992)-iMPG
The Residents-Eskimo-WEB-1979-ENTiTLED iNT
The Unlimited Dream Company - Voltage Controlled Dreaming-1995-NCR
Tibetan Meditation - Self-Titled-1999-gEm
tim story - beguiled-1991-upe
Tim Story - Glass Green-1987-UPE
Tim Story - The Perfect Flaw-1994-UPE
Time Modem--Beyond-(BOY 2808-2)-CD-1994-CMC INT
Tlon Uqbar-La Bola Perdida-1999-D2H
Toires - Hemisphere-(HQ)-(TPPCD50589)-1996-ZAiK iNT
Toires - Hemisphere-1996-Angel
Toires - Hemisphere-1996-Psytopia
Toires--Hemisphere-(096-003)-CD-1996-CMC INT
Torsion-Jacksons Private Zoo-(Vinyl)-1999-radial
Trance Mission - Meanwhile-(1995)-PBR
Trance Mission-Meanwhile-(COTCD-005)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Trans4m - Clustered-1995-PsyCZ
Transambient Communications - Mauve-(CS8530-2)-1996-PsyCZ
Transambient Communications-Mauve-(CS85302)-CD-FLAC-1996-dL
Transonic - Transonic 2 Virtual Current-(PS 08-067)-Ltd.Ed-1994-NCR
Trilithon-Trance Dance 128-(STR0092)-CD-FLAC-1992-dL
Troum- Daur-10inch LP-.Cohort.-1998-SEVER
Turbund Sturmwerk-Der Letzte Sieger Ist Der Tod-Ltd.Ed. VLS-1997-nok INT
Turbund Sturmwerk-Weltbrand-1999-AMRC
Tuu-Mesh-1997-D2H INT
Ulf Soderberg - Tidvatten-(SLMCD9805)-1998-NCR
Ulf Soderberg-Nattljus-1995-AMOK
Ulf Soderberg-Tidvatten-1998-AMOK
Ultra Milkmaids-Vorelay Relay-1999-FWYH
Undark - Undark-(3396)-Digipak-1996-NCR
underworld-beaucoup fish-1998-eos
Underworld-Jumbo-(JBO5008313)-CDM-1999-WLTN INT
Uziallo Kazimierz-Dzwieki Natury - Ptaki-WEB-1998-I KnoW INT
VA - 1 Fantasy-2CD-1996-Hydra
VA - 3 Faces Of Ambience-(33MOB02-Vinyl)-1993-DRUM
VA - A Brief History of Ambient Vol. 1-2CD-1994-BFHMP3
VA - A Storm Of Drones-(Drone Trilogy 3)-3CD-(Proper)-1996-PsyCZ NP
VA - Alien Ambient Galaxy-1996-CMG
VA - Ambient Amazon-(TMD CD1)-1995-NCR
VA - Ambient Anthology-1998-PsyCZ
VA - Ambient Auras - Diverse Dimensions In Ambient Dub-1994-MS
VA - Ambient Ceremony-TAPE-1995-gEm
VA - Ambient Cyber Mix-2CD-1996-PsyCZ
VA - Ambient Diary 2-2CD-1998-gEm
VA - Ambient Diary Two-2CD-(E110000CD)-1998-NCR
VA - Ambient Dub Vol 4 Jellyfish-1995-MS
VA - Ambient Dub Volume Two Earthjuice-(RBADLP03-Vinyl)-1993-DRUM
VA - Ambient Meditations 1-(RTTSCD6)-1998-NCR
VA - Ambient Systems 3-1997-PsyCZ
VA - Ambient Systems Vol 2-2CD-(AMB-6005-2)-1996-NCR
VA - Ambient Systems-2CD-(AMB002-2)-1995-NCR
VA - Ambient Time Travellers-1996-UPE
VA - Ancient Alien-(88102-2)-1998-NCR
VA - Angels In The Architecture-1987
VA - Apollo-(AMB926CD)-1993-NCR
VA - Back to the Future-(TETCD07)-1996-NCR
VA - Barramundi Vol. 1-An Introduction To A Cooler World-1994-PsyCZ
VA - Cafe Del Mar Retrospective-1999-ESK
VA - Caribbean Eclipse-1999-gEm INT
VA - Caribbean Eclipse-1999-kNAS
VA - Chill N Vibes Outlaw Trance Vol. 2-1998-fLp
VA - Chill Out Or Die America-(RH 87002-2)-1995-NCR
VA - Chill Out Or Die Vol.2-2CD-1994-MYCEL
VA - Chill Out Or Die Vol 3-1994-MYCEL
VA - Chill Out Or Die Vol IV-2CD-(RSN CD33)-1995-NCR
VA - Chill Out Or Die-1993-NCR
VA - Chill Out Vol. 1 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-1997-gEm INT
VA - Chill Out Vol. 2 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-1998-gEm INT
VA - Chill Out Vol. 3 Voyages Into Trance And Ambient-2CD-1999-gEm INT
VA - Deep Green Music To Wake Up To-1996-gEm
VA - Dimensions In Ambience-(162-531 045-2)-1996-NCR
VA - Dimensions In Ambience 2-(3145244012)-1997-NCR
VA - Dreamtime Planet-the Second Barramundi Sampler-(BAR 6203)-1994-NCR
VA - Dubbed On Planet Skunk-(CDDUBM002)-1997-NCR
VA - Emt 5595-(Digipak)-1995-NCR
VA - Excerpts form the Chillspace-(MPCD28)-1999-PsyCZiNT
VA - Excursions In Ambience-(CAR01733-2)-1993-NCR INT
VA - Excursions In Ambience - The 3rd Dimension-(ASW6119-2)-1994-NCR
VA - Excursions In Ambience-The Fourth Frontier-(ASW6153-2AV)-1995-NCR INT
VA - Excursions In Ambience-The Second Orbit-(ASW6105-2)-1993-NCR INT
VA - Feed Your Head Vol.1-1993-UPE
VA - France Transe Ambient (Omnisonus)-CD-1994-kiNky
VA - Freezone 1 - The Phenomenology Of Ambient-2CD-1994-NCR
VA - From Here To Tranquility Vol 1-(SR9336)-1993-NCR
VA - Future Sound Of Infinity-4CD-1998-MYCEL
VA - G4l4x1e 0ne-1994-PsyCZ NP
VA - Global Psychedelic Trance Vol.4-2CD-1998-FyS
VA - Gong-You Remixed-2CD-1997-PsyCZ
VA - Graham-1997-MYCEL
VA - Infinite Excursions 2 - Sonic Halucinations-(TIPCD015)-1997-Angel
VA - Infinite Excursions 3-(TIPWCD02)-1999-Angel
VA - Infinite Excursions Vol.3-(HQ)-(TIPWCD02)-1999-ZAiK iNT
VA - Interference Live At Love Parade 94-2CD-(IF001CD)-1995-NCR
VA - Liquid Dub Vol 7-(BFLCD36)-1999-Angel
VA - Lunar Landing-1994
VA - Magnetic Blue-2CD-(ICHILLCD003)-1998-NCR iNT
VA - Manifesto Industriale Italiano-4CD-1996-XXI INT
VA - Mashed Mellow Grooves-1999-MS
VA - Melatonic Music-1997-PsyCZiNT
VA - Music In Harmony With Nature-(TA103741-2CD)-1996-REDRUM
VA - N1 Fantasy-2CD-(SPV089-38782)-1996-NCR
VA - Natural Born Techno 3-1996-Angel
VA - Northern Circuits-(ICHILLCD002)-1997-NCR iNT
VA - Northern Circuits-1997-CMG
VA - One A.D.-1994-PsyCZ
VA - Organism .02-1995-MS
VA - Organism .04-1996-MS
VA - Out There-A Thread Through Time-2CD-(TBPCD001)-1994-NCR
VA - Path An Ambient Journey Form Windham Hill-1995-NCR
VA - Signs Of Life-1997-fLp iNT
VA - Slumberland Vol 1-(87101-2)-1997-NCR
VA - Space N Bass The Ultimate Ambient Collection-12CD-HAPPY BiRTHDAY-1998-gEm INT
VA - Space Night Vol II-2CD-(0630-16829-2)-1996-NCR INT
VA - Spirits Of The World-1996-YS
VA - Spiritual Techno-2CD-1996-PsyCZ
VA - Step 2 Ambient-1996-gEm
VA - Summer Of Rainbow 97-1997-MYCEL
VA - Surrender To The Vibe-(1995)-MS
VA - Techno Ambient Vol 1 And Vol 2-(50361)-1994-NCR
VA - Techno Ambient Vol 2-1994-MYCEL
VA - Techno Ambient Vol 3-1995-MYCEL
VA - The Absolute Supper-2CD-(CMI.50)-1998-NCR
VA - The Ambient Cookbook-4CD-(Reissue)-1995-PsyCZiNT
VA - The Ambient Way to Dub-(CLP 9705-2)-1996-NCR
Va - The Future Sound of Ambient (Disc 1)-1995-OiG
VA - The Future Sound of Ambient III-(1997)-OiG
VA - The Future Sound of Ambient Vol 4-CD-1997-dMp
Va - The Future Sound of Ambient Vol II-1996-OiG
VA - The Mystery of the Yeti Part 2-(TIPWCD04)-1999-Angel
VA - The Mystery of the Yeti-1996-PTP
VA - The Positiva Ambient Collection-(CDTIVA-1001)-1993-NCR
VA - The Spacefrogs DJ 1 (TSF9002)-EP-1994-CMC
VA - The Ultimate Colourful Dreamscape Collection-(AMB 5295-2)-1995-NCR
VA - Three AD-(86101-2)-1996-NCR
VA - Tontraeger Fuer Synapsenmassage 01-02-2CD-1993-NCR
VA - Trip To The Andes-(TMDCD2)-1996-NCR
VA - Twilight Earth-Second International Soiree-1995-PsyCZ
VA - Two AD-(85101-2)-1995-NCR
VA - United State of Ambience III (the Colonial Collection)-1995-NCR
VA - United States Of Ambience II-(MM 80009-2)-1994-NCR
VA - Virtual Audio Project Hypnotic-199x-gEm
VA - Virtual Audio Project-Apocalypse-1998-gEm
VA-0094-(Emit)-1994-soup int
VA--A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 3 (AMBT 3)-2CD-1994-dL
VA-A Brief History Of Ambient Volume 3 The Music Of Changes-(AMBT3)-2CD-FLAC-1993-dL
VA-A Drop In The Ocean-Limited Edition-CD-FLAC-1992-AMOK
VA-A Storm Of Drones The Sombient Trilogy-(ASP0966)-3CD-FLAC-1995-dL
VA-Ambient Compilation 3-(PK 08-04)-CD-FLAC-1993-dL
VA-Ambient Dub Volume 3-(Beyond Records)-1993-SB
VA-Ambient Ibiza Vol 2-(EMI8592572)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
VA-Ambient Meditations-CD-FLAC-1998-PsyCZ
VA-Ambient Northern Lights Vol 1-(JCRACD005)-CD-FLAC-1995-EMG
VA-Ambient Odyssey-4CD-1999-AMOK
VA-Ambient Senses 2-(CDTOT16)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA--Ambient Senses 2 The Feeling (CDTOT16)-1994-dL
VA-Ambient Systems-.Instrinct Ambient.-2CD-1995-AMOK
VA-Ambient Systems 3-(AMB6007-2)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
VA--Ambient Voids (CLEO 95432)-1995-dL
VA-Apollo 2 - the Divine Compilation-2CD-AMB5933CD-1995-XTC iNT
VA-Arctic Circles A Collection Of Sub Zero Soundscapes-WEB-1997-UKW
VA-Artificial Intelligence-1993-gEm
VA-Boredom Is Deep And Mysterious-(APR001CD)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-Caribbean Eclipse-CD-FLAC-1999-PsyCZ
VA-Chill N Vibes Outlaw Trance Vol.2-CD-FLAC-1998-PsyCZ
VA-Chill Out Classics Vol. 1-(CHILLCD001)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-Chill Out Or Die America-(RH87002-2)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
VA--Chill Out Or Die America (RH 87002-2)-1995-dL
VA-Chill Out Or Die Mixed By Mixmaster Morris-(RSNCD8)-CD-FLAC-1993-dL
VA-Dimensions In Ambience 2-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
VA-Driftworks-(Big Cat)-4CD-1997-DPS
VA-EM-T Beat Exploration-(EX369-2)-CD-FLAC-1998-dL
VA-EM-T Explorer-(EX330.2)-2CD-FLAC-1996-dL
VA-Environments 1 Psychologically Ultimate Seashore-SPECiAL EDiTiON-CD-FLAC-1987-EMG
VA-Excursions In Ambience-The Second Orbit-CD-FLAC-1993-WRS
VA-Extra Sensual Perception Volume 2 The Trance Groove-(SUN4996-2)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
VA-F Communications-Musiques Pour Les Plantes Vertes-1998-FSP
VA-Feed Your Head Vol 1-1995-MS
VA-Freezone 1 The Phenomenology Of Ambient-(SSR129)-2CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-From Here To Tranquility Volume 4-.Silent.-1995-AMOK
VA--Gaia 1-2 (GAIA 1-2)-2CD-1992-CMC INT
VA-Hearts Of Space Universe 3-(HS11202)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-Hearts Of Space Universe 3-1994-EMG INT
VA-Hearts Of Space Universe One-(11200-2)-CD-FLAC-1990-dL
VA-Mysterium Magnum-.Diamond.-2CD-1997-BFHMP3
VA-Mysterium Magnum Vol 2-.Diamond.-2CD-1998-BFHMP3
VA-Mysterium Magnum Vol 3-.Diamond.-2CD-1998-BFHMP3
VA-Mysterium Magnum Vol 4-.Diamond.-2CD-1999-BFHMP3
VA-Mysterium Magnum Vol 5-.Diamond.-2CD-1999-BFHMP3
VA-New Visions Celestial Voyagers-(Promo)-TAPE-1998-ERP
VA-One A.D. (Volume One Ambient Dub)-(84101-2)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-Path An Ambient Journey From Windham Hill-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
VA-Signs Of Life-CD-FLAC-1997-PsyCZ
VA--Synthetic Pleasures Volume One (MM 80046-2)-CD-1996-CMC INT
VA-The Ambient Eclipse-1997-DPS INT
VA-The Ambient Groove Esp Vol 3-ESP91972-CD-1994-XTC iNT
VA-The Ambient Way To Dub-WEB-1996-UKW
VA-The Chillout Room-1998-DECRyPTED
VA--The Dark Side Of The Moog Vinyl Compilation (PKPWPS 4)-VINYL-1995-CMC INT
VA-The Frzas Originals Vol. 4-1999-CMS
VA--The Spacefrogs Volume 2 (TSF 9010CD)-CD-1997-CMC INT
VA-This Is... Chill Out-3CD-1999-DECRyPTED
VA-This Is... Chill Out-3CD-FLAC-1999-DCRD
VA-Trance Planet Volume Two-(7210-2)-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
VA--Two A.D. (Volume Two Ambient Dub) (BLM 330143-2)-1996-dL
VA-Two A.D. Volume Two Ambient Dub-CD-FLAC-1995-WRS
VA-UFA Unidentified Floating Ambience-(SR9454)-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
VA-Unlimited Ambient-(MASOCD90092)-CD-FLAC-1997-dL
VA-Waterworld-Synthesizer Relaxation-1995-DECRyPTED
VA-Waterworld-Synthesizer Relaxation-CD-FLAC-1995-DCRD
Vidna Obmana - Echoing Delight-1993-PsyCZ
Vidna Obmana - Ending Mirage-Limited Edition-1993-FWYH
Vidna Obmana - Landscape In Obscurity (HYP1914)-1999-PsyCZnP
Vidna Obmana-Crossing The Trail-1998-D2H INT
Vidna Obmana-Ending Mirage-Limited Edition-1993-FWYH
Vir Unis - The Drift Inside-1999-zEn
Viridian Sun - Perihelion (HYP1910)-1999-PsyCZnP
Voice Of Eye - Mariner Sonique-1992-UPE
Voice Of Eye - Transmigration-1998-UPE
Wally Badarou-Words Of A Mountain-(91260 2)-CD-FLAC-1989-dL
WFO And Autocreation--Excursions In Ambience The Second Orbit (ASW 6106)-VINYL-1993-CMC INT
William Orbit - The Best of Strange Cargos-CD-1996-tronik
William Orbit-Strange Cargo 3-CDV2707-1993-CD-XTC
Woob - Woob-(EX-294-2)-1994-NCR
Woob - Woob2 - 4495-1995-gEm
Woob-1194-(Emit)-1994-souper int
Woob2-4495-(Emit)-1995-soup int
Woob-Woob 1194-(EX-294-2)-REISSUE-CD-FLAC-1994-dL
Woob-Woob2 (Emt) 4495-1995-MS
Woob-Woob2 4495-CD-FLAC-1995-dL
Woob-Woob2-1995-D2H INT
Yokota - Wait For A Day-(HH106-Vinyl)-1996-DRUM
Young American Primitive--Young American Primitive (ZM CD001)-1993-Disc0LjUS INT
Yutaka Hirose-Nova 4 (Extended Version)-(WRWTFWW028)-WEB-1986-ENSLAVE
Yuval Ron - In Between The Heartbeat-1998-UPE
Zero One - Zero One-(88104-2)-1998-NCR iNT
Zingaia - Beneath the Veil-1997-PsyCZ
Zoviet France-Jim Orourke-The Hafler Trio--Unentitled-1995-i8

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