Sunday, 22 November 2020

Industrial 199x Pack

Download Music VIP

1000 Homo DJs-Apathy Better Ways-(WAX032)-VINYL-1988-DEF
1000 Homo Djs-Supernaut-(VLS)-1990-DNR
1000 Homo Djs-Supernaut EP-1990-EPK
12 Rounds-My Big Hero-1998-EOS
12 Rounds-Pleasant Smell-EP-1998-ICE
13 MG.-The Secret-Promo CDS-1997-CHR
13mg-Trust And Obey Remixes-CDS-1996-AMOK
16 Volt-Limitation Demo-(1991)-AMOK
A Split Second-Compilation Album-1990-iND
A Split Second-Firewalker-CDS-1990-AMOK
A Split Second-Introversion - Lay Back And Join-1991-AMOK
A Split Second-Neurobeat-Rare-1987-REV
A Split-Second - Flesh-Rigor Mortis-MCD-1988-FWYH
absolute body control - is there an exit-7 inch-1981-fwyh
Acumen Nation-TerritoryUniverse-WEB-1996-CBR
Aghast View-Carcinopest-1997-AMOK INT
Aghast View-Chemical Storm-CDM-1995-iND
Aghast View-Nitrovisceral-1994-blutm8
Aghast View-Nitrovisceral-1994-FWYH INT
Aghast View-Nitrovisceral-1996-iND
Aghast View-Truthead-(Rare Limited 097 of 111 1999)-AMOK
Aghast View-Truthead Limited Edition-AMOK
Aghast View-Truthead Ltd.Ed.-2CD-Boxset-1999
Aghast View-Vapor Eyes-1995-FWYH INT
Aghast View-Vapor Eyes-1997-D9
Agressiva 69-Hammered by the Gods-1994-AMOK
Agressiva 69-Pure-2CD-1996-AMOK
Ah Cama-Sotz-Poison-(limited edition vinyl)-1999-RADIAL
Ain Soph - Kshatriya-1993-XXI INT
Alan Lamb - Primal Image-1995-UPE
Alan Lamb-Night Passage-1997-SEVER
Alan Lamb-Primal Image-1995-SEVER
Alec Empire - Squeeze The Trigger-1997-gEm INT
Allerseelen - Gotos Kalanda-1994-SYN INT
Allerseelen - Sturmlieder-1996-SYN INT
Android Lust-Evolution-RETAIL-1999-PMS
Anemone Tube-Forget Heaven - Angel Falls-2CDR-1999-SEVER
Anenzephalia-New World Disorder-WEB-1998-CBR
Apoptygma Berzerk-Live at Roskilde 99-1999-REV
Arcana-Cantar De Procella-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Arcana-Lizabeth-Limited Edition-CDM-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Armageddon Dildos-Unite EP-(1995)-AMOK
armand van helden--2future4you-CD1999-kW
Ashes-Ashland-Limited Edition-1994-FWYH
Ataka-Thunder Gott-Tape-1999-AMOK
Atari Teenage Riot-60 Second Wipe Out-1999-iRO
Atari Teenage Riot-Burn Berlin Burn-1997-iRO
Bad F-Line - Naranja-EP-1997-ESK
Bad Sector-Ampos-(Ltd.Ed.)-1995-DLiVE iNT
Bad Sector-Dolmen-.Drone.-EP-1996-SEVER
Bad Sector-Plasma-(OECD011)-1998-DLiVE iNT
Bad Sector-Polonoid-(TANTRAX7)-Reissue-1998-DLiVE iNT
Bad-F-Line-Self Titled-1998-ESK
Bastard-Zing Boom-1995-AMOK
Battery-Eternal Darkness-Vinyl-1991-FWYH
Battery-Lilith 3.2-(CDM)-1994-V0
Battery-Meat Market-(CDM)-1992-V0
Beathoven-Call The Cops-CDS-1989-GTi
Benestrophe-Auric Fires-1997-V0
Benestrophe-Sensory Deprivation-1994-V0
Bigod 20-One CDM (1994)-AMOK
Bigod 20--Steel Works (Sire)-1992-dL
Bile-Biledegradable-1997-AoN INT
Bile-Teknowhore-1996-AoN INT
Birmingham 6-Assassinate-1995-HUPO INT
Birmingham 6-Assassinate-PROPER-1995-TFP
Birmingham 6-Error of Judgement-1996-HUPO INT
Birmingham 6-Mixed Judgement-1999-HUPO INT
Birmingham 6-Policestate-CDM-1995-HUPO INT
Birmingham 6-Resurrection-1998-HUPO
Birmingham 6-Resurrection-1999-AMOK INT
Birmingham 6-You Cannot Walk Here-American Edition-1997-D2H
Bizarra Locomotiva-Bizarra Locomotiva-WEB-PT-1994-I KnoW INT
Black Lung-The Disinformation Plague-1996-AMOK
Blackhouse-Shades of Black-1998-radial
Blackhouse-Stairway to the Gospel Word-1992-radial
Blok 57-Mean Machine-Ltd Edition-AMOK
Bluefield-The Secret Long Kept-1993-AMOK
Bomb Everything-Fountainhead-(EP)-1992-V0
Bomb Everything-The All Powerful Fluid-1992-V0
Borghesia-4 X 12Inch-1991-V0
Borghesia-Dal Vivo A El Paso-Tape-1989-FWYH
Borghesia-Escorts And Models-1989-FWYH
Borghesia-Naked Uniformed Dead-(CDS)-1989-V0
Borghesia-No Hope No Fear-EPCD-1987-FWYH
Borghesia-Ogolelo Mesto-(Vinyl)-1988-V0
Borghesia-Surveillance And Punishment-(CDS)-1989-V0
Brain Leisure-Mindfire-1994-V0
Brighter Death Now - Greatest Death-1998-agw INT
Brighter Death Now - Innerwar-1996-AMOK
Brighter Death Now - Pain in Progress-1998-agw INT
Brighter Death Now - The Slaughterhouse-1993-agw INT
Brighter Death Now-Great Death I-II-Lim.Ed.-1994-AMOK
Brighter Death Now-Great Death III-Lim.Ed.-1996-AMOK
Brighter Death Now-May All Be Dead-1999-AMOK
Brighter Death Now-Necrose Evangelicum-1995-DEViL
Brighter Death Now-Pain in Progress-1998-AMOK
Brighter Death Now-The Slaughterhouse-1993-DEViL
Brume-Battery Hens Sabotage-Ltd.Ed.-1992-D2H
Brume-The Dark Tapes-Ltd.Ed.-Tape-1997-D2H
C O Caspar-Chants of Change-.Tesco.-1994-SEVER
Cabaret Voltaire--Listen Up With-2CD-1990-FuFFENS
cabaret voltaire-red mecca-vinyl-1981-bpm
Cable Regime-Assimilate And Destroy-(CDM)-1992-V0
Cable Regime-Kill Lies All-1993-V0
Cable Regime-Life In The House Of The Enemy-1992-V0
Candiru-Unloved And Weeded Out-1993-EOS
Capital Hell-Stories Of Passion And Seriousness-1997-AMOK
Cassandra Complex-Finland-CDS-1990-AMOK
Cassandra Complex-Hello America-1989-FWYH
Cat Rapes Dog - People As Pray CD (1999)-FEEDBACK
Cat Rapes Dog-Biodegradable-1995-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-Down And Out-CDM-1998-radial
Cat Rapes Dog-Fuck Nature-(EP)-1995-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-Fundamental-(CDS)-1990-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-God Guns And Gasoline-1990-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-Moosehair Underwear-(Reissue)-1993-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-Moosewear-(ERCD049)-CDM-FLAC-1993-dL
Cat Rapes Dog-More Than You Bargained For-1994-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-Property Produces Bodily Injury-Demotape-1985-AMOK
Cat Rapes Dog-Schizophrenia-2CD-1994-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-The Banzai Beats-1991-V0
Cat Rapes Dog-The Secrets Of God-(1998)-AMOK
Cat Rapes Dog-The Secrets Of God-1998-AMOK
Cat Rapes Dog-Trojan Whores-(ERCD027)-CDM-FLAC-1992-dL
Cesium 137-The Art Of Controlling And Composing-Demo-1999-FWYH
Chemlab-East Side Milita-(Remastered)-1999-V0
Chemlab-East Side Militia-CD-FLAC-1996-FATHEAD
Chemlab-Magnetic Field Remixes-1994-EMG INT
Choed-Ishtar Aux Enfers-Ltd.Ed.-VLS-199x-AMOK
Chris and Cosey-Action Live Album-Retail-1987-WUS
Chris Connelly-Phenobarb Bambalam-1992-DeBT iNT
Chris Connelly-Shipwreck-1994-DeBT iNT
Chris Connelly-Whiplash Boychild-1991-DeBT iNT
Christ Analogue-The Texture Ov Despise-1995-AMOK
Circle Of Dust-Circle Of Dust-(Retail)-1992-ORCHiD
Circle Of Dust-Disengage-1998-iRO
Cleen-Designed Memories-1998-REV
Cleen-Second Path-1999-REV
Click Click-Bent Massive-1989-V0
Click Click-I Rage I Melt-(CDM)-1987-V0
Click Click-Rorschach Testing-1988-V0
Click Click-Run Me Down-(Vinyl)-1982-V0
Click Click-Shadowblack-1997-V0
Click Click-Skripglow-Vinyl-1986-FWYH
Click Click-Wet Skin and Curious Eye-1987-V0
Click Click-Whiteout-(CDS)-1998-V0
Click Click-Yakutska-(Vinyl)-1988-V0
Clock DVA - The Hacker-VLS-1988
Clock DVA-Sound Mirror-12 Inch Vinyl-1990-FWYH
Clock DVA-White Souls In Black Suits-1992-AMOK
Cobalt 60-Crush-(CDM)-1997-V0
Cobalt 60-It-CDM-1998-AMOK
Cobalt 60-Prophecy Theme The Clubmixes-(CDM)-1997-AMOK
Coil - Stolen and Contaminated Songs-1993-CMG
Coil - The Snow-EP-1991-CMG
Coil - Unnatural History-1990-CMG
Coil-Gold Is The Metal (With The Broadest Shoulders)-1987-EOS
Coil-How To Destroy Angels-(12Inch Vinyl)-1984-V0
Coil-How To Destroy Angels-(Remixes And Re-Recordings)-1992-V0
Coil-The Angelic Conversation-1994-EOS
Coil-The Snow-EP-1991-CMG
Coil-The Wheal-Keelhauler-(7Inch Vinyl)-1990-V0
Coil-The Wheel-The Wheal-(7Inch Vinyl)-1987-V0
Coil-The Wheel-The Wheal 7 Inch-Vinyl-1987-WUS
Coil-Themes For Derek Jarmans Blue-(7Inch Vinyl)-1993-V0
Coil-Unnatural History III-1997-EOS
Collapse - Section-(Daft)-1997-BCC
Con-Dom - Control Domination-Ltd.Ed.-1999-BFAMP3
Con-Dom - Oh Ye Of Little Faith-Ltd.Ed. Vinyl-1992-BFAMP3
Con-Dom - The Eighth Pillar-Ltd.Ed. Vinyl-1991-BFAMP3
Contingence - Dominion-1995-ViC
Controlled Bleeding And Dive-Night Shadows-1996-V0
Controlled Bleeding-Rest In Peace-The Best Of-2CD-1999-FWYH
Controlled Fusion-Controlled Fusion-Tape-1993-FWYH
Controlled Fusion-Incubation Time-1998-BPM
Controlled Fussion-No Retreat-Tape-1994-AMOK
Converter-Shock Front-Ltd.Ed.-1999-VBR-prK
Coptic Rain-Clarions End-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Coptic Rain-Devil In Disguise-Promo CDM-1996
Coptic Rain-Discovery E.P.-(Dynamica DY 0027-3)-1998
Coptic Rain-Eleven Eleven-CD-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Cruel Punishments and Templegardens-Schamanismus - Three Gates Opened-K7-1994-radial
Cruel Punishments-Damned Near White-K7-199x-radial
Cruel Punishments-Theme-K7-1994-radial
Cubanate-Barbarossa-DY00172U-CD-1996-G3LTUNES INT
Cubanate-Body Burn-(CDM)-1993-V0
Cubanate-Cyberia-Limited Edition-CD-FLAC-1994-FWYH
Cubanate-Interference-(Promo CDM)-1998-V0
Cubanate-Interference-1998-D2H INT
cultivated bimbo - configuration 1+2-1990
Current 93-All the Pretty Little Horses-1996-BeB
Current 93-Dawn-1994-PULSAR
Cyber Axis-The Way I Feel-MCD-1995-FWYH
Cyberaktif-Nothing Stays-CDS-1990-Ngrp
Cyberaktif-Tenebrae Vision-1993-eDm
Cyberaktif-Tenebrae Vision-1993-Ngrp
DAF - Die Kleinen und die Bosen (rerelease) (1980)-AMOK
DAF-Die Kleinen und die Boesen-WEB-DE-1980-ENTiTLED iNT
DAF-Verschwende.Deine.Jugend AMOK
Dagda Mor-Schwerttau-Ltd Ed 7inch-1998-AMOK
Daniel Menche-Furious Eclipse-Ltd.Ed.-Vinyl-1995-D2H
Das Ich-Anti Christ-EGO
Das Ich-Das Innere Ich-1996-AMOK
Das Ich-Destillat-CDM-1997-AMOK
Das Ich-Die Propheten-1991-CMG
DDAA-Bruit-Son-Petit-Son-.Kill Your Idol.-MCD-FR-1991-SEVER
Death And Horror Inc.-Bitter Alloys-Pressures Collide-1996-AMOK
Deathride 69-Screaming Down The Gravity Well-(9868-63221-2)-CD-FLAC-1996-EMG
Decree-Wake Of Devastation-US-1997-shwml
Deist Requiem-Deist Requiem-.Warhead.-1996-AMOK
Der Blutharsch-The Pleasures Received In Pain-1999-DGS
Derniere Volonte-Obeir Et Mourir-Ltd 120pc-2 Tape-1999-AMOK
Deus Ex Machina-Deus Ex Machina-1992-AMOK
Deutsch Nepal - Comprendido-Time Stop-1997-DEViL
Deutsch Nepal-Comprendido Time Stop and World Ending-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Deutsch Nepal-Only Silence Among the Filthy-Limited Edition-Tape-1994-AMOK
Deutsch Nepal-The Silent Earth-Limited Edition-Tape-1995-AMOK
Devil Stone Medicine-COMA-1997-VERiTAS
Devin Townsend-Infinity (Japan-Only EP)-1998-AMRC
DHI (Death And Horror Inc)-Transmissions Form The Chemical Land-1997-V0
Diary Of Dreams - Cholymelan-(Rerelease)-1999-MoFF iNT
Die Form-Tears Of Eros-1992-AMOK
Die Krupps-A Tribute to Metallica-19xx-RWHCLASSIX
Die Krupps-A Tribute To Metallica-CD-FLAC-1993-FATHEAD
Die Krupps-Black Beauty White Heat-CDM-1997-FWYH
die krupps-entering the arena-1985-dnr
Die Krupps-Fatherland-CDM-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Die Krupps-Fatherland-CDS-FLAC-1993-AMOK
Die Krupps-Fire-CDM-1997-bLuTm8
Die Krupps-II The Final Option-2CD-Ltd.Ed.-1993-AMOK
Die Krupps-III Odyssey Of The Mind-(Promo)-(1996)-AMOK
Die Krupps-Isolation-CDM-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Die Krupps-Metal Machine Music-CDM-1992-AMOK
Die Krupps-Paradise Now-1997-KORV
Die Krupps-Paradise Now-Promo-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Die Krupps-Rise Up-CDS-1997-bLuTm8
Die Symphony-Codependence Day-1999-AMOK
Die Symphony-Foundations Of Malice-1997-AMOK
Digital Blood-A Retrospective-1994-FWYH
Dirge-Dead Network Access-Demo-1996-Ngrp
Dirge-Infected Brain Machine-Demo-1994-Ngrp
Dirge-Mind Time Control-Demo-1995-Ngrp
Dive - Images-1997-AMOK
Dive Vs. Kirlian Camera-Obsession-(EP)-1996-V0
Dive-Broken Meat-MCD-1992-FWYH
Dive-Concrete Jungle-1993-AMOK INT
Dive-Extended Play-(EP)-1994-V0
Dive-Grinding Walls-1995-FWYH
Dive-Inside Out-Ltd.Ed.LP-1993-FWYH
Dive-Live Action-Ltd.Ed-MCD-1992-FWYH
Dive-Mix (By Soes)-(12Inch Vinyl)-1999-V0
Dive-Scraping Tokyo 95-1995-V0
Dive-Two Faced Man-7 Inch Vinyl-1999-FWYH
Dodheimsgard-666 International-1999-vsm
Dog God-Dog God-.Tommorows.-1993-AMOK
Dominator-Forbidden Pleasures-.Bad Vibrations.-1994-AMOK
Dr. Zilch-Artcore XXI-1999-PtSL
Drape Excrement-Born Dead-Ltd.Ed.-Vinyl-1995-AMOK
Drome - Anachronism-1992-PsyCZ NP
Duet Emmo-Or So It Seems-Reissue-1992-FWYH
e.c.m.-blechreiz-1996-syn int
Einsturzende Neubauten-2x4-1984-WUS
Einsturzende Neubauten-Drawings of Patient O.T.-1995-AMOK
Emergency Broadcast Network--Behavior Modification We Will Rock You (TVT 3511-0)-VINYL-1991-CMC
En Slave-Gods Iron Fist-CDM-1993-AMOK
Eskimos And Egypt-I Know-CDM-1997-D2H
Esplendor Geometrico - Mekano-Turbo-(1994)-AMOK
Esplendor Geometrico - Sheikh Aljama-(1991)-AMOK
Esplendor Geometrico-Syncrotron-(Vinyl)-1998-radial
Ethyl Meatplow-Happy Days Sweetheart-1993-phEAR
Evils Toy-Xtc Implant-(1996)-AMOK
Exotoendo-Endorcism Process-1998-SEVER
Fall Of Because-Life Is Easy-1999-V0
Fear Factory-Cars-CDS-1999-UBE
Fear Factory-Demanufacture-1995-DeBT iNT
Fear Factory-Obsolete-(RR 8653-2)-BONUS TRACKS-CD-FLAC-1999-EMG
Fear Factory-Remanufacture (Cloning Technology)-CD-FLAC-1997-FlacoFF
Feindflug-Im Visier-(EP)-(1999)-Amok
Feindflug-Im Visier-EP-1999-AMOK
Filter-Short Bus-1995-EOS
Final Cut-Atonement-1996-V0
Final Cut-Consumed-1992-V0
Final Cut-Deep Into The Cut-1990-V0
Fire Foetus-Dark Ruler-1994-AMOK
Flesh Field-Beautifully Violent(Rare 4 Track Demos)-AMOK
Flesh Field-The Plague-1998-oD
Freq Nasty feat Phoebe One - Boomin Back Atcha-CDS-1999-tronik
Froit Head-Grinding Stone-1994-AMOK
Front 242 - Front by Front-Reissue-1988-bLuTm8
Front 242 - Headhunter-Vinyl-1988-MS iNT
Front 242 - Kampfbereit-Bootleg-1985-CMG
Front 242 - Masterhit (Extended Remix)-Vinyl-1987-MS iNT
Front 242 - Official Version (RRE 5 CD)-Reissue-1992-for RaLLe
Front 242 - Rythm of Time-Vinyl-1991-MS iNT
Front 242-00 00 02 42-(promo ep 1993)-UTOPIA
Front 242-05220912 Off-1993-EOS
Front 242- Up Evil-1993-eDm
Front 242-06210311 Up Evil-1993-EOS
Front 242--Angels Versus Animals (RRE 18 CD)-CD-1993-CMC INT
Front 242-Back Catalogue-Reissue-1992-EOS
Front 242-Epic Promo-1992-PMS
Front 242-Front By Front-1988-DNR
Front 242-Front By Front-1992-Edm Int
Front 242-Front By Front-Reissue-1992-EOS
Front 242-Geography-Reissue-1992-EOS
Front 242-Kampfbereit-BOOTLEG-1985-CMG
Front 242-Masterhit-12 Inch Vinyl-1988-FWYH
Front 242--Mixed By Fear (RRE CD 12)-CD-1991-CMC INT
Front 242-Mutage.Mixage-1995-eDm INT
Front 242-Official Version-1987-FWYH INT
Front 242-Official Version-Reissue-1992-EOS
Front 242-Official Version-WEB-1987-ENTiTLED iNT
Front 242-Promo 242-19xx-FWYH
Front 242-Religion (12inch)-1993-NuHS
Front 242-Rhythm Of Time-Promo CDM-1991-FWYH
Front 242-Tragedy For You Two-CDS-1990-eDm
Front 242-Tyranny (For You)-1991-eDm
Front 242-Tyranny (For You)-1991-EOS
Front 242--Tyranny For You (RRE CD 11)-CD-1991-CMC INT
Front 242-Tyranny For You-1991-DNR
Front 242-Tyranny For You-1991-ELN
Front Line Assembly - Surface Patterns(1995)-ATM99
Front Line Assembly vs. Die Krupps-The Remix Wars Strike 2-CDEP-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Caustic Grip-1991-EOS
Front Line Assembly-Circuitry-CDM-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Circuitry-CDM-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Colombian Necktie-EP-1998-EOS
Front Line Assembly-Comatose-EP-1998-EOS
Front Line Assembly-Corroded Disorder-1995-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Explosion-(1999)-AMOK
front line assembly-explosion-amok
Front Line Assembly-Fatalist-EP-1999-EOS
Front Line Assembly-FLAvour of the Weak-1998-eDm
Front Line Assembly-Flavour Of The Weak-1998-EOS
Front Line Assembly-Flavour Of The Weak-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Gashed Senses & Crossfire-1989-WLM
Front Line Assembly-Gashed Senses and Crossfire-1989-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Hard Wired Box-Ltd 2CD-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Hard Wired-1995-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Hard Wired-1995-eDm INT
Front Line Assembly-Live Wired-2CD-1996-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Live Wired-2CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Millenium-(RR2370-3)-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
Front Line Assembly-Millennium-(CDS)-1994-Fixed-AMOK
Front Line Assembly-Millennium-1994-eDm
Front Line Assembly-Mindphaser-(TM24023)-CDM-FLAC-1992-dL
Front Line Assembly-Mindphaser-CDS-1992-eDm
Front Line Assembly-Monument-1998-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Plasticity-CDM-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Plasticity-CDS-1996-eDm
Front Line Assembly-Reclamation-1997-eDm
Front Line Assembly-Rewind-2CD-1998-EOS
Front Line Assembly-State Of Mind-1988-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Surface Patterns-CDM-FLAC-1995-SCORN
Front Line Assembly-Tactical Neural Implant-1992-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Tactical Neural Implant-1992-eDm
Front Line Assembly-The Blade-CDS-1992-eDm
Front Line Assembly-The Initial Command-Reissue-1997-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Total Terror Demos-READ NFO-1986-FWYH
Front Line Assembly-Total Terror Pt. 1-1994-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Total Terror Pt. 2-1994-DeBT iNT
Front Line Assembly-Total Terror-Part-1-1994-AMOK
Front Line Assembly-Total-Terror-Part-2-(1994)-AMOK
frontline assembly - reclamation-1997-ew
Frontline Assembly-Colombian Necktie-(1997)-AMOK
Frontline Assembly-Everlasting Terror-(Bootleg)-1986-radial
Frontline Assembly-Reclamation-1997-gB
Funerary Call-Pronounced Unholy-Ltd.Ed.-VLS-1997-AMOK
Funker Vogt-Tragic Hero Ltd. Ed-Remix-EP-1999-iTS
Gary Clail-Hard Left-Vinyl-1986-FWYH
Genitorturers-120 Days Of Genitorture-1993-EOS
Genitorturers-Sin City-1998-TF
Genocide Organ-The Truth Will Make You Free-Vinyl-1999-D2H
Girls Under Glass-Firewalker-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
God Is LSD-Spirit Of Suicide-1993-V0
God Lives Underwater-God Lives Underwater-CDEP-FLAC-1995-FATHEAD
Godflesh - Pure-1992-agw INT
Godflesh-Cold World-1991-CDM-DeRK INT
Godflesh-Crush My Soul-1995-PMS
Godflesh-Love and Hate In Dub-1997-DeRK INT
Godflesh-Love And Hate In Dub-1997-MTD
Godflesh-Merciless-1994-CDM-DeRK INT
Godflesh-Pure-1992-DeRK INT
Godflesh-Slavestate-1991-DeRK INT
Godflesh-Songs Of Love and Hate-1996-DeRK INT
Gravity Kills-Charlotte NC 0925-1998-EOSiNT
Gravity Kills-Gravity Kills-1996-EMG INT
Gravity Kills-Gravity Kills-CD-FLAC-1996-DeVOiD
Gravity Kills--Guilty-Promo-1996-UBE
Gravity Kills-Huntington VA 0926-1998-EOSiNT
Gravity Kills-Manipulated-1997-EOS
Gravity Kills-Manipulated-CD-FLAC-1997-FRAY
Gravity Kills-Perversion-1998-DeBT iNT
Gravity Kills-Perversion-1998-EMG INT
Gravity Kills-Perversion-CD-FLAC-1998-EMG
Hanzel und Gretyl-Ausgeflippt-1995-TF
Hanzel und Gretyl-Transmissions From Uranus-1997-TF
Hate Dept.-Mainline E.P.-1995-V0
Hate Dept.-Meat.Your.Maker-1994-V0
Hate Dept.-Release It-(CDM)-1998-V0
Hate Dept.-Technical Difficulties-1999-V0
Haujobb - Frames-The Remix Album-(PEN103)-1996-NCR
Haujobb-Homes & Gardens-1993-DEM
Havoc-Attitude (PHOE 06)-Vinyl-1990-DPS
Head of David-Dogbreath-EP-1986-Ngrp
Head of David-Dustbowl-1988-Ngrp
Head of David-Seed State-1991-Ngrp
Head of David-Soul Spark-EP-1991-Ngrp
Head of David-The Saveana Mixes-EP-1989-Ngrp
Head of David-White Elephant-1989-Ngrp
Heavy Water Factory-Cries Form Hell (Remixes Of Pain)-1998-V0
Heavy Water Factory-Fluid And Meat-1994-V0
Heavy Water Factory-Translucent Amber-1999-V0
Here-Brooklyn Bank-1999-SnS
Highstreet in co-operation with The Maxx-Revolution-CDM-1989-GTi
Hocico-Cursed Land-1998-FWYH
Hocico-El Dia De La Ira-Limited Edition-1995-98-FWYH iNT
Hocico-Tierra Electrica Tour-Live-1999-FWYH
Hocico-Triste Desprecio-Demo Tape-1996-ViC
Holy Gang-Free Tyson Free-1995-V0
Hunting Lodge-8-Ball-1987-UTB
Hunting Lodge-This Is Truth-Vinyl-1987-FWYH
Hunting Lodge-Will-1992-FWYH
Hybryds-Atavistic Fetisj-1994-BeB
Hybryds-Virtual Impact Live-1999-FWYH
I Start Counting-Catalogue-1991-JUST
ice ages-strike the ground-1997-amrc int
Illusion of Safety - More Violence and Geography-LP-1998-BCC
imminent starvation - north-(Y012)-lp-1999-arman
Imminent Starvation-Ethyl 6-Vinyl-1998-AMRC
Imminent Starvation-Human Relocation-(Y001)-WEB-1997-TrT
Imminent Starvation-Human Relocation (Hymen 001)-Vinyl-1997-TrT
Imminent Starvation-Human Relocation-Vinyl-1997-AMOK
imminent starvation-nord-1999-fnf int
Imminent Starvation-North Limited Edition LP-1999-CMG
Imminent Starvation-North LP-(Y012)-WEB-1999-TrT
In Slaughter Natives - Enter Now the World-1992-agw INT
In Slaughter Natives - In Slaughter Natives-1990-XXI INT
In Slaughter Natives - Purgate My Stain-1996-agw INT
In Slaughter Natives - Purgate My Stain-1996-XXI INT
In Slaughter Natives - Sacrosancts Bleed-1992-XXI INT
In Slaughter Natives - Selftitled-1991-agw INT
In Strict Confidence-Dementia-7 Inch Vinyl-1997-FWYH INT
Inanna-Storm I-III-.old europa cafe.-lim.ed.-1993
Inner Thought-Perspectives-CD-FLAC-1995-AMOK
Iron Lung Corp-Big Shiny Spears-1996-TF
Janus - Vater-Demo-DE-1997-TRVE
Jorg Thomasius - Marmor-1996-BCC
Kapotte Muziek - The Malevolant Ear-1995-UPE
Kidney Thieves-Trickster-1998-EOS
Killing Joke-Democracy-Promo Only CDM (Zoo Entertainment)-1996-CHR
Killing Joke-Jana-(BFLDA21)-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
Killing Joke-Jana-(Vinyl EP)-1994-DNR
Killing Joke-Jana Live EP-(BFLDB21)-CDEP-FLAC-1994-dL
Klangstabil-Sieg Der Monochronisten-(Y007)-WEB-1998-TrT
klangstabil-straftat gegen das leben-(1997)-radial
Klank-Downside EP-1997-PMS
Klank-Still Suffering-1996-iRO
Klute-Excluded-RD NFO-1992-FWYH
KMFDM And TKK-Naive And The Days Of Swine And Roses Remixes-(CDS)-1990-EMG INT
KMFDM Vs Pig-Sin Sex and Salvation-EP-1994-eDm
KMFDM Vs TKK-The Days Of Swine & Roses+Naive-1990-eDm
KMFDM-A Drug Against War-(CDM)-1993-EMG INT
KMFDM-A Drug Against War-CDM-1993-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Adios-1999-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Anarchy-Promo CDS-1998-AMOK
KMFDM-Denver CO 1212-1997-EOSiNT
KMFDM-Dont Blow Your Top-1988-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Dont Blow Your Top-LP-1988-radial
KMFDM-Help Us-Save Us-Take Us Away-(CDM)-1992-DNR
KMFDM-Juke-Joint Jezebel (The Giorgio Moroder Mixes) - The Year Of The Pig Collection-2CD-1995-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Juke-Joint Jezebel Giorgio Moroder-CDM-1995-eDm
KMFDM-Kickin Ass-Ltd.Ed.-VLS-1987-RADiAL
KMFDM-Kmfdm Vs Pig-Sin Sex Salvation (Japanese Import)-1994-PMS
KMFDM-Light-(CDM)-1994-EMG INT
KMFDM-Light-CDM-1994-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Money-1992-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-More And Faster-Limited Vinyl-1989-FWYH
KMFDM-Naive - Hell To Go-1994-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Naive Hell to Go-1994-PtE INT
KMFDM-Naive-1990-PtE INT
KMFDM-Nihil-1995-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Power Ltd Promo-(1996)-JELLO
KMFDM-Retro-1998-DeBT iNT
KMFDM-Split - Piggybank-1991-iRO
KMFDM-Sucks-(CDS)-1992-EMG INT
KMFDM-The Year Of The Pig Collection-1995-DNR
KMFDM-Trust EP-1995-REV
KMFDM-What Do You Know Deutschland-1991-eDm
KMFDM-What Do You Know Deutschland-Ltd.Ed.-LP-1986-RADiAL
KMFDM-Xtort-1996-DeBT iNT
Kraftwerk-Kraftwerk Green Traffic Cone-VERY RARE-1970-RWHCLASSIX
Kraftwerk-Kraftwerk Red Traffic Cone-VERY RARE-1970-RWHCLASSIX
Kraftwerk-The Mix-ENGLISH-1991-RWHCLASSIX
Laibach-Final Countdown-(CDMUTE117)-CDM-FLAC-1994-dL
Laibach-Jesus Christ Superstars-1996-FWYH iNT
Laibach--Let It Be (MUTE INT846845)-CD-1988-CMC
Laibach-Opus Dei-1987-QSi
Lard-Pure Chewing Satisfaction-1997-DNR
Lard-The Last Temptation Of Reid-1990-IRC
Lassigue Bendthaus-Matter-(PHOE 19CD)-1991-DPS INT
Laurent Ho-Syntetic-(UWCD01)-CD-1998-DEF
Le Syndicat-Sardanapale-WEB-1991-AZF
Lead Into Gold-Age Of Reason-1990-V0
Lead Into Gold-Chicks And Speed Futurism-1990-V0
Lead Into Gold-Faster Than Light-12 Inch Vinyl-1990-FWYH
Leaether Strip-Aspects Of Aggression-1990-FWYH INT
Leaether Strip-Double Or Nothing-2CD-1995-FWYH INT
Leaether Strip-Fit For Flogging-(1993)-AMOK
Leaether Strip-Japanese Bodies-Vinyl-1989-FWYH
Leaether Strip-Object V-1991-FWYH INT
Le?ther Strip-Object V-EP-1991-CMG
Leaether Strip-Penetrate The Satanic Citizen-1993-DNR
Leaether Strip-Retrospective-1997-D2H iNT
Leaether Strip-Serenade For The Dead-1994-DNR
Leaether Strip-Serenade For The Dead-2CD-Limited Edition-Remastered-1999-D2H INT
Le?ther Strip-Solitary Confinement-1993-iND
Le?ther Strip-The Rebirth of Agony-1997-SNS
Leaether Strip-The Rebirth of Agony-CD-FLAC-1996-CUSTODES
Leaether Strip-Underneath The Laughter-1993-DNR
Leather Strip-Aspects of Aggression-CDS-1990-SnS
Leather Strip-Fit for Flogging-1993-SnS
Leather Strip-Yes Im Limited-Limited Edition-CDS-1992-SnS
Les Joyaux De La Princesse-Douce France-(Ltd.Ed.-EP)-1997-DPS
Les Joyaux De La Princesse-Lallemagne Annee Zuro-7 Inch-1994-TFP
Lords of Acid-I Must Increase My Bust-EP-1996-TF
Lords of Acid-Voodoo-U-Ltd Ed-1994-TF
Mainesthai-Out To Lunch-1994-V0
Manu Le Malin - Radio Nova-1996-TrT
Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids-Big Black Bus-1990-PtE INT
Marilyn Manson And The Spooky Kids-Grist-O-Line-1990-PtE INT
Marilyn Manson-Antichrist Superstar-1996-DeBT iNT
Marilyn Manson-Antichrist Superstar-1996-NHH INT
Marilyn Manson-Mechanical Animals-1998-EOS
Marilyn Manson-Mechanical Animals-1998-NHH INT
Marilyn Manson-Remix And Repent-CDEP-FLAC-1997-DeVOiD
Marilyn Manson-Remix and Repent-EP-1997-DeBT iNT
Marilyn Manson-Smells Like Children-(EP)-1995-AoN INT
Marilyn Manson-Smells Like Children-CDEP-FLAC-1995-DeVOiD
Marilyn Manson-Smells Like Children-EP-1995-DeBT iNT
Marilyn Manson-The Last Tour On Earth-(Japanese Edition)-1999-VERiTAS INT
Martyr Colony-Abrasive Technology-.Ribbed.-1995-AMOK
Massive Attack-Brussels BE 1130-1999-EOSiNT
Melek-Tha-De Magia Naturali Daemoniaca-1999-D2H
Mentallo And The Fixer-Algorythum-1999-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Burnt Beyond Recognition-1997-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Centuries-(CDM)-1997-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Continuum-1995-EMG INT
Mentallo And The Fixer-False Prophets-(CDM)-1997-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Meets Mainesthai-(Reissue)-1998-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Meets Mainesthai-1994-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-No Rest For The Wicked-2CD-(Remastered)-1998-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Revelations 23-1995-EMG INT
mentallo and the fixer-revelations 23-us version-1995-fwyh
Mentallo And The Fixer-Sytematik Ruin-1999-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Where Angels Fear To Tread-1994-V0
Mentallo And The Fixer-Wreckage Ruin Regrets Redemption-Tape-1990-FWYH
Merzbow and Genesis P-Orridge - A Perfect Pain-1999-PsyCZ-VBR NP
Mindless Self Indulgence-Igors Secret Stash-1999-NG
Mindless Self Indulgence-Tight-1999-DNR
Ministry - Ministry Singles And B-Sides-3CD-Box Set-1993-RZB
Ministry - Power Department (Omaha 02.13)-Bootleg-1990-RZB
Ministry - Psalm 69-1992-iRO
Ministry-1996-06-26-Live-Offenbach Germany-(Bootleg)-1996-FFWG INT
Ministry-Dark Side Of The Spoon-1999-DNR
Ministry-Dark Side Of The Spoon-1999-EMG INT
Ministry-Dark Side Of the Spoon-1999-EPK
Ministry-Filth Pig-1995-EOS
ministry-filth pig-1996-dnr
Ministry-Filth Pig-1996-gB
Ministry-Flashback (With Ogre)-Bootleg-1987-FWYH
Ministry-House Of Bones-(Bootleg)-1988-V0
ministry-in case you didnt feel like showing up-(live)-1990-dnr
Ministry-In Case You Didnt Feel Like Showing Up-1990-RZB
Ministry-Jesus Built My Hotrod-(CDM)-1991-DNR
Ministry-Jesus Built My Hotrod CDS-1991-iRO
Ministry-Jesus Built My Hotrod-CDS-FLAC-1991-WRS
Ministry-Just One Fix CDS-1991-iRO
Ministry-Land Of Rape And Honey-1988-EOS
ministry-lay lady lay-(cds)-1996-dnr
Ministry-Live USA-Bootleg-1991-SDR
Ministry-Ministry Box Singles and B-Sides-1993-eDm INT
Ministry-Ministry Singles And B-Sides-3CD-Box Set-1993-RZB
Ministry-NWO CDS-1992-iRO
ministry-psalm 69-1992-dnr
Ministry-Psalm 69-1992-EOS
Ministry-Psalm 69-1992-iRO
Ministry-Psalm 69-CD-FLAC-1992-WRS
Ministry-Selections From Dark Side Of The Spoon-(Promo)-1999-DNR
Ministry-The Fall - Reload-CDS-1995-RZB
ministry-the fall-reload-(cds)-1995-dnr
ministry-the land of rape and honey-1988-dnr
Ministry-The Land of Rape and Honey-1988-gB
Ministry-The Land of Rape And Honey-1989-FHoOBD
Ministry-The Mind is a Terrible Thing To Taste-1988-FHoOBD
ministry-the mind is a terrible thing to taste-1989-dnr
Ministry-The Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Taste-1989-mwnd int
Ministry-Trip To Hell-Bootleg-1990-EOS
Ministry-Trip To Hell-Bootleg-1990-EOSiNT
Ministry-Welcome To The Secret World Of Ministry-Bootleg-1993-EOS
Mussolini Headkick-Blood On The Flag-1990-V0
Mussolini Headkick-No Sacrifice-(CDS)-1994-V0
Mussolini Headkick-Themes For Violent Retribution-1989-V0
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult-Kooler Than Jesus-CDEP-FLAC-1989-flacme
My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult-Sexplosion-(WAXCD 7163)-1991-DPS
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult-Sexplosion-1992-DeBT iNT
N.M.E-High Volume-7 Inch Vinyl-1998-FWYH
Needle Sharing-Warez-(Vinyl)-1999-radial
Nerve-Blood And Gold-1995-V0
Nine Inch Nails-Broken-(EP)-1992-EMG INT
Nine Inch Nails-Broken-1992-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Broken-1992-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-Broken-EP-1992-DeBT iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Closer (UK CDM1)-CDM-1994-DeBT iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Closer Further Away-(CID596)-CDM-FLAC-1994-WRS
Nine Inch Nails-Closer To God (Import)-1994-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-Closer To God-1994-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Closer To God-1994-iRO
Nine Inch Nails-Crossed Nails-BOOTLEG-CD-FLAC-1994-FLACME
Nine Inch Nails-Down In It-(CDS)-1989-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Down In It-CDS-FLAC-1989-WRS
Nine Inch Nails-Fixed-1992-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Fixed-1992-iRO
Nine Inch Nails-Fixed-1992-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Fixed-EP-1992-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral (v2)-1995-DeBT iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral V2-1995-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral-1995-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral-1995-iRO
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral-1995-KSi INT
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral-1995-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Further Down The Spiral-CDEP-FLAC-1995-FLACME
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 00 - Suck-1990-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 03 - Head Like A Hole (CDM)-1990-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 03 - Head Like A Hole (CDS)-1990-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 04 - Sin (CDS)-1990-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 06 - Fixed-1992-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 09 - Closer To God (CDS)-1994-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 10v1 - Futher Down The Spiral-1995-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 10v2 - Further Down The Spiral-1995-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 13 - The Day The World Went Away (CDS)-1999-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 15a - Were In This Together (CDS)-1999-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 15b - Were In This Together (CDS)-1999-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Halo 15c - Were In This Together (CDS)-1999-PMS iNT
Nine Inch Nails-Happiness in Slavery-Promo CDS-1992-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Happiness-In-Slavery-(VIP)-(Promo)-(19xx)-FWYH
Nine Inch Nails-Head Like A Hole-(CDM)-1990-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Head Like A Hole-(UK CDS)-1990-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Hurt-Promo CDM-1995-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-March of the Devil-1994-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-March Of The Pigs-(CDM)-1994-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-March of the Pigs-(EP)-1994-EMG INT
Nine Inch Nails-March Of The Pigs-1994-iRO
Nine Inch Nails-March Of The Pigs-CDM-FLAC-1994-SCORN
Nine Inch Nails-Painful Convictions-2CD-1995-CMG
Nine Inch Nails-Physical-Promo CDS-1992-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Piggy-Promo CDS-1994-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Pretty Hate Machine-1989-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Pretty Hate Machine-1989-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-Pretty Hate Machine-1989-NHH INT
Nine Inch Nails-Remixed (German Import)-1995-KSi
Nine Inch Nails-Sin-1990-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-Sin-EP-1989-FTS
Nine Inch Nails-Suck(Halo 00)-1990-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-The Day the World Went Away-CDS-1999-EOS
Nine Inch Nails-The Downward Spiral (Japanese Import)-CD-FLAC-1994-FLACME
Nine Inch Nails-The Downward Spiral-1994-DeBT iNT
Nine Inch Nails-The Downward Spiral-1994-FIH INT
Nine Inch Nails-The Downward Spiral-CD-FLAC-1994-SCORN
Nine Inch Nails-The Fragile-2CD-1999-DeBT iNT
Nine Inch Nails-The Fragile-2CD-1999-FTS
Nine Inch Nails-The Fragile-2CD-1999-NHH INT
Nine Inch Nails-The Fragile-2CD-FLAC-1999-PERFECT
Nine Inch Nails-The Perfect Drug-(Promo)-1997-DNR
Nine Inch Nails-The Perfect Drug Versions-(INTDM-95007)-CDS-FLAC-1997-WRS
Nine Inch Nails-Welcome to the Hate Machine-1995-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Were In This Together (Part 2)-CDS-FLAC-1999-flacme
Nine Inch Nails-Wish-Promo CDS-1992-PMS
Nine Inch Nails-Woodstock 94-(Bootleg)-1994-NER
Nitzer Ebb-Belief-1989-eDm
Nitzer Ebb-Control Im Here-CDS-1988-eDm
Nitzer Ebb-Ebbhead-1991-DeBT iNT
Nitzer Ebb-Examples 1987-1991-CDM-1995-eDm
Nitzer Ebb-Lightning Man-Getting Closer-Fun to Be Had-MCD-1990-eDm
Nitzer Ebb-Shame-CDM-1989-DeBT iNT
Nitzer Ebb-Showtime-1990-EMG INT
Nitzer Ebb-That Total Age-1987-EMG INT
Nocturnal Emissions-Duty Experiment-WEB-1995-USR
Noise Unit-Grinding Into Emptiness-1989-shwml
Noise Unit-Response Frequency-1990-shwml
Noisex-2870.00-Limited Boxset-2CD-1999-FWYH iNT
Noisex-Rotation U.S.A.-1999-BPM
NON - God and Beast-1997-agw INT
NON - Might-1995-agw INT
NON - Might-1995-BLIZZARD
NON - Receive the Flame-1999-agw INT
Notstandskomitee-Elektronisches Picknick-Ltd.Ed.Tape-1993-FWYH
Nouvelles Lectures Cosmopolites-Vestiges-.EDT.-1992-SEVER
Numb-Blue Light-(Tape)-1987-V0
Numb-Death On The Installment Plan-1993-V0
Numb-Wasted Sky-1994-V0
Oil 10-Metastases-(Vinyl)-1999-radial
Ondekoza-The Ondekoza Dejitaru Choetsu No Saundo-(SGS-29)-LP-JP-1981-DEF
Oomph - 3 and 1 CDM-1994-CMG
Oomph - Ice Coffin CDM-1995-CMG
Oomph - Ich Bin Du-CDM-1991-CMG
Oomph-Der Neue Gott-CDM-1992-[256]
Oomph-Gekreuzigt (Limited Tin Can Edition)-CDM-(1998)-AMOK
Optimum Wound Profile-Lowest Common Denominator-1992-EMG INT
Ordo Equilibrio-The Triumph Of Light and Thy Thiteen Shadows Of Love-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Orgy-Candyass-1998-FiH iNT
Orphx-Nullity-10 Inch Vinyl-READ NFO-1998-FWYH
Out Out-D.W.I.-(12Inch Vinyl)-1990-V0
Out Out-Finched-(Reissue)-1997-V0
Out Out-Nisus-1995-V0
Out Out-Pepperbox Muzzle-1991-V0
Out Out-Voiceprint-1997-V0
P.A.L.-Matrmx-Vinyl-1998-FWYH INT
Pain - Rebirth-1999-SS
Pain Emission-Fidget-1993-V0
Pain Emission-The War Within-1994-AMOK
Pain-End Of The Line-CDM-1999-AMRC
Pain-On And On-CDM-1999-AMRC
Paul Williams-Santa Pod-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED
Pierre Parachini - La Danse Des Petits chats-(PPL 45822)-Vinyl-FR-198x-ZzZz INT
Pierrepoint-Idolized-(ltd to 1000 Copies)-(1997)-AMOK
Pigface-A New High In Low-(INV083CD)-2CD-FLAC-1997-EMG
Pigface-A New High In Low-2CD-1997-V0
Pigface-Below The Belt-1998-DNR
Pigface-Eat Shit You Fucking Redneck-1998-V0
Pigface-Empathy-Vinyl--Ltd 1500 Copies-1993-EWIG
Pigface-Fook-1992-DeBT iNT
Pigface-Lean Juicy Pork (Welcome To Mexico-Promotional Interview Disk)-1991-V0
Pigface-Spoon Breakfast-Remix EP-1989-FWYH
Pigface-Washingmachine Mouth-EP-1993-DeBT iNT
PIG-Never For Fun-Limited.Vinyl-1988-FWYH
PIG-No One Gets Out Of Her Alive-Japanese Import-1998-FWYH
PIG-Prime Evil-Japanese Import-1997-FWYH
PIG-The Fountain Of Miracles-12 Inch Vinyl-1996-FWYH
Pig-The Swining-Red Raw And Sore-Reissue-1999-AMOK
PIG-Wrecked-Japanese Import-1996-FWYH
polygon-beyond nothing-limited edition vinyl-1998-fwyh
Powerman 5000-Tonight The Stars Revolt-1999-EOSiNT
Praga Khan-Twenty First Century Skin-1999-DeBT iNT
Proiekt Hat-Lebensunwertes Leben-.Cold Meat Industry.-LP-1998-SEVER
Project Pitchfork - IO-(Ltd.Ed.)-(SPV 084-22022)-1994-SCF
Project Pitchfork - Lam-Bras-1994-CMG
Project Pitchfork - Little IO-(Ltd.Ed. CDM)-(SPV084-22022-L)-1994-SCF
Project Pitchfork - Nightmare (3 MCD Entities Limited Box)-Ltd.Ed.-CDS-1992-FWYH INT
Project Pitchfork-Carrion-(CDS)-1993-V0
Project Pitchfork-Chakra Red-1997-V0
Project Pitchfork-Corps D Amour-(SPV076-25832)-CDEP-FLAC-1995-CUSTODES
Project Pitchfork-Corps Damour-(EP)-1995-V0
Project Pitchfork-Steelrose-MCD-1998-FWYH iNT
Psychic TV-Mouth Of The Night-1985-FWYH
Psychic TV-Those Who Do Not-1996-FWYH
Psychic TV-Towards Thee Infinite Beat-1990-radial
Puissance - War on-1999-XXI INT
Puissance-Back In Control-Promo-CD-FLAC-1998-SCORN
puissance-totalitarian hearts-ltd.ed. ep-1997-amrc
Raism-Aesthetic Terrorism-CD-FLAC-1997-SCORN
Raism-The Very Best Of Pain-CDEP-FLAC-1996-TiLLMYDEATH
Rammstein - Greatest Hits 99-1999-TURKMP3
Rammstein-Du Riechst So Gut 98-DE-CDM-FLAC-1998-FWYH
Rammstein-Engel-(Fan Edition)-(CDS)-1997-MB iNT
Rammstein-Mutter (Retail)-EGO
Rammstein-Original Single Kollektion-6CD-199x-REV
Rammstein-Seemann-(CDS)-1996-MB iNT
Rammstein-Sehnsucht-(Bonus Tracks)-1997-INT-GORE
Rammstein-Sehnsucht-1997-EMG INT
Rammstein-Stripped (CDM)-1998-iRO
Rammstein-Stripped-Singles And Remixes-Bootleg-1998-D2H INT
Razed In Black-Overflow-(EP)-1997-V0
Razed In Black-Sacrificed-1997-V0
Razed In Black-Unearthed-Japanese Import-1999-FWYH
Revolting Cocks-Beers Steers Queers-1990-EDGEiN
Revolting Cocks-Big Sexy Land-1990-EDGEiN
Revolting Cocks-Linger Ficken Good-1993-DNR
Revolting Cocks-Linger Ficken Good-1993-EDGEiN
Revolting Cocks-You Goddamned Son of a Bitch-1988-EDGEiN
Rob Zombie-American Made Music To Strip By-1999-EOS
Rob Zombie-Hellbilly Deluxe-1998-EMG INT
Ryuichi Sakamoto-Illustrated Musical Encyclopedia-1996-DGN INT
Schnitt Acht-Fire-12 Inch Vinyl-1990-FWYH
Schnitt Acht-Subhuman Minds-Vinyl-1990-FWYH
Scorn-Vae Solis-1992-XXI INT
Sephiroth - Cathedron-(CMI.69)-1999-NCR
Severed Heads-Greater Reward-(NT12 3019)-Vinyl-1988-DPS
Sheep On Drugs-Double Trouble-(1996)-FWYH
Sheep On Drugs-From A to H and Back Again-(1993)-FWYH
Sheep On Drugs-Never Mind The Methadone-1997-AMOK
Sigillum S-Klimax Axis-Limited Edition-Vinyl-1999-D2H
Sigillum S-Tidal Surface Tension-Limited Edition-Vinyl-1998-D2H
Sister Machine Gun-(R)Evolution-1999-V0
Sister Machine Gun-Addction-CDS-1992-AMOK
Sister Machine Gun-Hole In The Ground-(CDM)-1995-V0
Sister Machine Gun-Nothing-(CDS)-1994-V0
Sister Machine Gun-Wired - Lung-(EP)-1994-V0
Sisygambis-Interficias Te Ipsum-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Sixteen Cylinder-Sixteen Cylinder-1997-AMOK
Skinny Puppy - Last Rights-Limited Edition-Unreleased-CDA-1992-JeeL
Skinny Puppy and Download-Rarities Collection-3CD-Bootleg-1999-EWIG
Skinny Puppy-12 Anthology-1990-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Addiction-CDM-1987-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Back and Forth Vol. 2-1992-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Bites-1985-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Brap Back and Forth Vol. 3 and 4-2CD-1996-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-B-Sides Collect-1999-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-B-Sides Collect-CD-FLAC-1999-dL
Skinny Puppy-Candle-(CDS)-1994-MEH
Skinny Puppy-Censor-CDM-1990-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Chainsaw-EP-1986-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Cleanse Fold and Manipulate-1987-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Dig It-CDS-1990-AMOK
Skinny Puppy-Expo Deutches-Bootleg-1985-AMOK
Skinny Puppy-Heavens Trash (Live Bootleg)-(1993)-AMOK
Skinny Puppy-Inquisition-CDM-1992-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Kill To Cure-Ltd.Ed. Bootleg-1990-n0ize
Skinny Puppy-Last Rights-1991-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Last Rights-CD-FLAC-1992-SCORN
Skinny Puppy-Mind The Perpetual Intercourse-1986-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Rabies-1989-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Remix Dystemper-1998-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Spasmolytic-CDM-1992-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Testure-CDM-1990-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Testure-CDM-FLAC-1991-SCORN
Skinny Puppy-The Process-1996-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-The Process-CD-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Skinny Puppy-The Singles Collect-1999-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Tin Omen-CDM-1989-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Too Dark Park-1990-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Too Dark Park-CD-FLAC-1990-SCORN
Skinny Puppy-Tormentor-CDM-1992-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Vivisectvi-1988-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-VIVIsectVI-CD-FLAC-1988-SCORN
Skinny Puppy-Worlock-CDM-1992-DeBT iNT
Skinny Puppy-Worlock-CDM-FLAC-1990-SCORN
Skrew-Burning In Water Drowning In Flame-(3984-17015-2)-CD-FLAC-1992-EMG
Sleep Chamber-Sentinel Serenade-.Cleopatra.-1999-AMOK
Solar Enemy-Proceed To Beyond (The Rape Of Europa)-(TEQM93001)-CD-FLAC-1993-dL
Sonic Mayhem-Quake 3 Arena Noise-1999-TBO
Stabbing Westward-Darkest Days-1998-DeBT iNT
Stabbing Westward-Milwaukee WI 0405-1999-EOSiNT
Stabbing Westward-Ungod-1993-DeBT iNT
Stabbing Westward-Wither Blister Burn and Peel-1996-DeBT iNT
Steel Porn Rhino-Steel Porn Rhino-.Hangman.-1991-AMOK
Strapping Young Lad-City-CD-FLAC-1997-GRAVEWISH
Strapping Young Lad-Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing-1995-EOS
Stratvm Terror - Pariah Demise-1995-UPE
Stratvm Terror-Pain Implantations-1998-D2H INT
Suicide Commando-Black Flowers-(Tape)-1992-AMOK
Suicide Commando-Chromdioxyde 1-Limited Edition-1999-FWYH-INT
Suicide Commando-Construct Destruct-(US Retail)-1998-radial
Suicide Commando-Contamination (EDT)-1997-FWYH
Suicide Commando-Critical Stage-1994-FWYH INT
Suicide Commando-Electro Convulsion Therapy-(Tape)-1993-AMOK
Suicide Commando-Limited Contamination-1996-tangent
Suicide Commando-Reconstruction-2CD-Limited Edition-1998-FWYH-INT
Suicide Commando-Suicide Commando-1st Demo-1988-bpm
Suicide Commando-This is Hate-2nd Demo-198x-bpm
Swamp Terrorists-Nightmare-(0-3612-44884-2)-CD-FLAC-1991-dL
Syntax Error--Syntax Error-1995-WUS
T.A.G.C.-Meontological Research Recordings Teste Tones-(Promo)-1988-V0
TAGC-The Delivery-1994-V0
Telepherique-V Equals S Over T-1998-AMOK
Terminal Choice-Black Past-Ltd.Ed.-1999-eDm
Tertium Non Data-The Third Is Not Given-1999-D2H INT
Test Dept.-Beating The Retreat-Vinyl Boxset-1984-FWYH
test dept.-the unacceptable face of freedom-cd-1986-syn-int
Test Dept-Proven in Action-1991-PMS
Test Dept-Shoulder To Shoulder-Vinyl-1985-AMOK
Thastrom-Peace Love And Pitbulls-1992-IQ INT
The Anti Group-Audiophile-1994-V0
The Anti Group-Big Sex-Vinyl-1987-FWYH
The Cassandra Complex-Nice Work-MCD-1990-FWYH
The Klinik-Pain And Pleasure-Vinyl-1986-radial
The Klinik-Walking With Shadows-Vinyl-1986-FWYH
The Young Gods-Heaven Deconstruction-1997
The Young Gods-Leau Rouge-1989
The Young Gods-Only Heaven-1995
The Young Gods-Play Kurt Weill-1991
The Young Gods-Play Kurt Weill-1995-AMOK INT
The Young Gods-T.V. Sky-1991-shwml
The Young Gods-T.V. Sky-CD-FLAC-1992-FLACME
The Young Gods-The Young Gods-1987
Think About Mutation - Motorrazor-1993-scf
Think About Mutation-Hellraver-1996-D2H INT
Think About Mutation-Highlife-1999-V0
Think About Mutation-Housebastards-1994-V0
Think About Mutation-Motorrazor 96-(CDM)-1996-V0
Think About Mutation-Reflect It-MCD-1997-FWYH
Think About Mutation-Virus-1997-DNR
Throbbing Gristle-20 Jazz Funk Greats-(1979)-fwyh
Throbbing Gristle-Giftgas-1994-FWYH
Throbbing Gristle-Journey Through a Body-1993-FWYH
Throbbing Gristle-Kreeme Horn-In Praise Of The Grotesque-Ltd.Ed.500.Copies-1997-FWYH
throbbing gristle-mission of dead souls-1991-fwyh
throbbing gristle-nothing short of total war-tape-1977-fwyh
Throbbing Gristle-The First Annual Report-1975-FWYH
throbbing gristle-the second annual report-1977-fwyh
Trent Reznor-Quake-OST-1996-DeBT iNT
Trent Reznor-Quake-PROPER-OST-CD-FLAC-1996-DeVOiD
Umo Detic-Carpe Diem-CDS-1990-FWYH
Umo Detic-Fahrenheit-Vinyl-1989-FWYH
unveiled-crudelis et invictus-1995-d2h
va - death odors-1993-xxi int
VA-A Drop In The Ocean International Compilation-.EDT.-Limited Edition Digipak-1992-AMOK
VA-Another World - Electronic Body Music-(AS 5036 CD)-1990-DPS INT
VA-Corporate Rock Wars-1995-DeBT iNT
VA-Corporate Rock Wars-CD-FLAC-1995-DeVOiD
VA-Cyber Core Compilation.COP International-1994-V0 iND
VA-Cyberpunk Fiction-1998-FiNE320
va-hellscape 2-1995-syn int
va-hellscape-1995-syn int
VA-Hymns Of The Worlock - A Tribute To Skinny Puppy-1998-DeBT iNT
VA-Industrial Nation Compilation Vol. 1-1994-AMOK
VA-Insomnia Vol. 1-(WNS019)-2CD-FLAC-1993-dL
VA-Malleus Maleficarum-1992-DNR
VA-Mind And Body Compilation Volume 2-2CD-1994-AMOK
VA-The Portable Altamont-1991-FWYH
VA-The World of Techno Compilation-1991-DPS
VA-Torture Tech Overdrive-Vinyl-1991-FWYH
VA-TV Terror Felching A Dead Horse-2CD-FLAC-1997-AMOK
Velvet Acid Christ - Calling Ov The Dead Beta-1998-JELLO
Velvet Acid Christ Vs Funker Vogt-The Remix Assault-1999-TF
Velvet Acid Christ-Calling Ov The Dead-Ltd Beta 7 copies-1998-EWIG
Velvet Acid Christ-Church Of Acid-Retail-1996-FWYH-INT
Velvet Acid Christ-Fun With Razors-2CD-Limited Edition-1999-FWYH-INT
Velvet Acid Christ-Neuralblastoma-1998-TF
Velvet Acid Christ-The Hand-CDM-1997-AMOK
Videodrone-Videodrone-WEB-1999-ENTiTLED iNT
Voyou-Houseman-Germany Calling-Vinyl-1987-FWYH
Winterkaelte - Progressive-Vinyl-1996-BLIZZARD
Winterkaelte-Progressive-Vinyl-1997-FWYH INT
Wiseblood-Dirtdish-12inch Vinyl-1987-FWYH
Wiseblood-Stumbo Someone Drowned In My Pool-Vinyl-1986-FWYH
Women Of The SS-John Zewizz Presents His Infamous-1993-FWYH
Wumpscut - Eevil Young Flesh-1999-FERiCE
Wumpscut vs. Haujobb-The Remix Wars Strike 1-CDEP-FLAC-1996-SCORN
Wumpscut-Born Again-1997-blutm8
Wumpscut-The Oma Thule Single-7 Inch Vinyl-1994-FWYH
Wumpscut-The Oma Thule Single-7 Inch Vinyl-1994-FWYH INT
X Marks The Pedwalk--Air Back Trax (CD ZOT 118)-CD-1994-CMC
Xorcist-Soul Reflection-CD-FLAC-1997-EMG
Yelworc-Blood In Face E.P.-1993-FWYH INT
Yelworc-Flash Wards and Incubation (Tape)-1989-D9
Zbigniew Karkowski and Tetsuo Furudate-World as Will-CD-1998-radial
Zos Kia and Coil-Transparent-1997-SnS

VIP Music Download Albums

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